Plan and Build Your Own Chicken Coop - A Great Investment
Keeping chickens is fast becoming highly popular, both as an economic venture or simply a hobby and there are some very good reasons why taking the decision to build a backyard chicken coop yourself can be one of the soundest investments you can make.
There has been much publicity on the plight of battery hens.
This, coupled with the increased price for chickens and eggs in shops and supermarkets, has caused a surge in the desire to keep chickens domestically.
Not only will you create a self sustaining "mini-farm" that produces a regular supply of fresh, organic eggs, daily, but you will have a ready made "recycling facility" for food scraps.
This facility will quickly convert the food scraps into a high quality fertiliser - an additional bonus.
Once you have made the decision to raise chickens then the next important decision to make is how you are going to house them and ensure that they have the best possible living conditions.
Remember "Happy Chickens produce the best eggs".
So, you now have to decide whether to buy a ready made coop or to design and build your own.
To build a backyard chicken coop yourself just makes complete economical sense.
You can build a chicken coop at a fraction of the cost of buying a pre-built one.
In any case, most pre-built chicken coops that you buy need to be assembled, so you're really just paying hugely inflated prices for the material.
If you build your own chicken coop you can save around 50% of the costs of purchasing one of a similar size.
So, go ahead: take the decision, make the investment and join the happy band of "eco-warriors" enjoying an enhanced lifestyle with added health benefits.
Furthermore, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have created something worthwhile with your own hands, have a novel conversation piece for parties and above all IT IS FUN.
There has been much publicity on the plight of battery hens.
This, coupled with the increased price for chickens and eggs in shops and supermarkets, has caused a surge in the desire to keep chickens domestically.
Not only will you create a self sustaining "mini-farm" that produces a regular supply of fresh, organic eggs, daily, but you will have a ready made "recycling facility" for food scraps.
This facility will quickly convert the food scraps into a high quality fertiliser - an additional bonus.
Once you have made the decision to raise chickens then the next important decision to make is how you are going to house them and ensure that they have the best possible living conditions.
Remember "Happy Chickens produce the best eggs".
So, you now have to decide whether to buy a ready made coop or to design and build your own.
To build a backyard chicken coop yourself just makes complete economical sense.
You can build a chicken coop at a fraction of the cost of buying a pre-built one.
In any case, most pre-built chicken coops that you buy need to be assembled, so you're really just paying hugely inflated prices for the material.
If you build your own chicken coop you can save around 50% of the costs of purchasing one of a similar size.
So, go ahead: take the decision, make the investment and join the happy band of "eco-warriors" enjoying an enhanced lifestyle with added health benefits.
Furthermore, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have created something worthwhile with your own hands, have a novel conversation piece for parties and above all IT IS FUN.