Family & Relationships Conflict

Write a Poem, Heal a Pain

Many people write their feelings in something like a journal.
It may be a simple three ring binder filled with lined paper.
It is a place for jotting down the happenings of the day.
This is also the way some people deal with pain in their life, whether it is from the loss of a relationship, or the loss of a pet.
And there are those who are able to express their pain in the form of a poem.
When one is hurting, being able to write out those feelings brings magical relief.
Perhaps you think you cannot write poems.
Sure you can! You probably have no intention of publishing such a poem for someone else to read, so you do not need to worry about what you say, or how you say it.
As a matter of fact, you do not even need to know a thing about writing to express yourself in poetic form.
But writing what you are feeling sure helps bring healing.
Life is made up of highs and lows.
Each of us has to face losses.
Each loss requires us to face the hurts that it brings and deal with them.
The pain of loss can make us bitter, or make us better.
The outcome is always up to us.
The person who can write those feelings in the form of a poem will heal faster than those who will not take the time to do that.
The object here is to heal, not sell a poem.
You do not need to be concerned about the strength of your words you choose to use.
All you want to do at this point is let the pain flow from you through the point of your pen.
Writing your feelings will take time and it will be painful, no question about that.
But the rewards you will reap from this activity will be worth it all.
When you begin writing down what you feel, give no thought to the way some famous individual wrote.
This is just for your healing.
Yours alone.
Just dump the feelings out on paper.
It is okay if you feel the need to rearrange them at some later date.
The important thing is to face the pain, and that is what you are doing as you write.
This will be an emotional experience for you.
It is not something you would want to do unless you are alone with your feelings.
If you are not alone, you may not be able to really face the pain as well as you need to.
You should not try to bottle up the pain, because you will not receive healing until you look the pain in the face.
If the loss of your ex is particularly difficult, you may want to consider writing about the important parts of you life that the breakup affected, such as loss of lifestyle, perhaps the trauma of having to relocate.
Each event the breakup caused is worth writing about.
We talked about writing for your eyes only.
Think for a moment that your experience might be a great benefit to someone else who is facing the same kind of situation.
Perhaps you were able to express yourself quite well.
Maybe you have revisited each part of your writing and have arranged the events into a sequence that would make sense to someone else.
If you are willing to share your feelings with others, you can consider putting them online for others to read.
If you do not know it, there are web sites specifically for sharing your poetic thoughts.
You can even choose whether or not to allow someone to comment on your work.
It is just a thought.
Most of us always feel good when we have been able to help someone even in a small way.

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