Health & Medical Men's Health

New Ways to Get a Bigger Penis!

How many new ways to get a bigger penis can these crafty advertisers come up with? I thought the ultimate gimmick was the enhancement chewing gum that came out a few months ago, but I was wrong! Now, there is another gimmick making the rounds.
Underwear! Yep, a special underwear that will supposedly make your package grow to new lengths.
I can't wait for the next gadget, or gimmick to hit the market.
Of course, if you want to buy a penis enlargement program you will have to separate fact from fiction in order to know the best way to increase your penis size.
You must know that the majority of the gimmicks are just junk.
They are sold for novelty purposes, and will not increase your size at all.
The chewing gum and underwear are good examples of novelty items that will not produce growth, but there are others that may seem legitimate.
Enhancement pills would fall into the seemingly legitimate category.
Because of all the advertising, a lot of men think male enhancement pills are the answer to quickly increasing their penis size.
WRONG! Several scientific studies have yet to find anything in these pills that can make you grow.
The studies have found some dangerous ingredients, though! Yohimbe is a common ingredient in male enhancement pills.
The FDA has warned that heart and respiratory problems have been directly linked to yohimbe.
Any enhancement pill that contains this dangerous ingredient should be avoided.
In fact, if you are taking the pills to get bigger, you really should try another method! Another fad that will not produce any permanent growth is the penis pump.
While it may give you a quick erection, it will never produce any growth.
In fact, with repeated use it may even hinder your ability to get an erection! Injuries are common, too.
Blisters and bruises often occur from using poorly made devices, and serious injuries to capillaries can lead to deformity and impotence.
Honestly, there are not any new ways to get a bigger penis.
The one standard method that has stood the test of time is natural penile exercise.
Sure, exercise takes some time to get results, but the results are permanent, and can be quite impressive.
A recent clinical trial showed that over 95% of the men participating in their trial gained from 1 to 4 inches in length, and at least 2 inches in girth.
The best part is that the exercises are safe because they do not require any special equipment.
After all these years, and all the silly contraptions, gadgets and gimmicky pills, the best way to increase your penis size is still natural penile exercise.
In fact, if you are ready to buy a penis enlargement program, make it a program of natural exercises and you will be assured of results!

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