Health & Medical Nutrition

Another Metabolism Motivator - Eat Your Breakfast!

I am sure we have all heard the phrase "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".
Frustrated working moms trying desperately to get their unruly brood to take some cereals on board, or fitness trainers attempting to coax a little common sense into their clients will all have uttered the phrase countless times.
In fact it has become a little cliché.
Of course, like the vast majority of clichés that have entered the English language, it is rooted in fact.
It is widely recognised as fact that eating a healthy breakfast is good for you, yet it is simply staggering just how many people choose to ignore it.
The fact is that what you decide to put into your body first thing in the morning should be taken seriously.
A healthy, and I can't emphasize the word healthy enough, breakfast will leave you feeling energized and alert.
A good breakfast will keep you focused at work leading to better performance.
If you find yourself drifting off mid morning or feeling sluggish and lethargic then it could well be that you have skipped breakfast.
Without a healthy breakfast inside you there is a very real possibility of snacking throughout the day, whereas a good breakfast will leave you feeling full until lunchtime.
And here's the kicker, studies have shown that those who eat a good healthy breakfast tend to be thinner and healthier than those who either eat an unhealthy breakfast or worse still, skip it altogether.
Now, as we know there are countless excuses for skipping breakfast, I have used a few of them myself.
My personal favorite was "I just don't have the time" But let's be honest, just how long does it take to eat a bowl of cereal? Or to grab a couple of slices of whole grain toast.
Another gem is "I just don't feel hungry in the morning" This tends to be simply because you may have eaten late the previous night, a cardinal sin in any weight loss program and a surefire way to screw up your metabolism.
Try to plan ahead, if you are struggling for time first thing in the morning, then prepare your breakfast the night before.
There really is no excuse.
We emphasized earlier the importance of the word "healthy" when it comes to breakfast.
A good meal first thing in the morning is an absolutely essential requirement in any healthy living plan, but be careful.
It seems that the processed food industry has an entirely different definition of the word healthy to the rest of us.
They bandy around terms such as "Low Fat" and "Low Sugar" and seem to never tire of making ridiculous claims as to the life affirming properties of their products.
Be very careful to check the labels on all your processed foods and try to make yourself familiar with your local natural grocery store.
This earth has provided us with all the produce we could ever need for a long and healthy life, so lets utilize that resource.
A great tip is to try to incorporate some fruit into your breakfast diet.
Oranges, grapefruits, apples, bananas, grapes, kiwis, mangos, melons and berries are not only delicious but high in fiber, an essential building block to a healthy body.
Eat a high fiber cereal, oatmeal is my personal favourite, or perhaps some granola.
Be sure however, to check the sugar content is below 5 grams.
Sugar is our mortal enemy and you need to be on your guard against it, try as hard as you can to cut it out of your diet if at all possible.
Maybe a couple of slices of wholemeal toast or a wholemeal bagel could provide some nice variety.
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and the benefits are yours for the taking.
A healthy breakfast leads to a healthy mind and body and can only have a positive effect on your daily life.
Don't just take my word for it, give it a try for a couple of weeks and then try and tell me you don't feel great! A healthy breakfast is a great start on your way to living the life you deserve, but it's just a start.
Make a commitment to yourself right now to become the person you always wanted to be.
You have the power within you and all the help and assistance you could ever need is close at hand.

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