Cures for Post Nasal Drip
- Because post nasal drip and the excessive mucus production that leads to it, is often caused by reactions to common allergens such as pet dander, dust and pollen, many of the best way to deal with it is by simply keeping your nose and mouth clear of them. Using pollen masks when working outside, vacuuming regularly, installing air filters in your house or avoiding shedding pets can go a long way to making sure the problem never comes up.
- In addition to allergens, exposure to harmful chemicals and infections such as from viruses or bacteria can also cause excess mucus production. In all of these cases one can use prescription medications to quickly clear up the excess mucus and bring some relief. These medications are often based on steroids and must therefore only be used sparingly and with the aid and attention of a physician. Additionally, if the infection causing the excess mucus is bacteriological, then antibiotics may need to be prescribed in order to get at the heart of the problem.
If you have the symptoms associated with post nasal drip then your best bet is to keep the affected area as moist as possible, in order to aid the removal of the objects causing the excess mucus production in the nose. As noted previously, the function of the mucus itself is to keep you respiratory tract clean and flowing smoothly, when something gets into the nose that the body senses will disturb this flow, it will ramp up the mucus to flush it out. You can aid this process and thus end the excess production by using sterile saline nasal sprays to irrigate the nose, using a humidifier to keep the air you breath moist, and by drinking plenty of fluids to make sure the mucus you do have is as thin as watery as possible. - While this may seem counter intuitive, having the mucus be more "runny" is actually what you want, because this will get rid of whatever is causing the problem faster. If the mucus becomes thick, it can make the things worse, and even lead to secondary infections. While you can always use over-the-counter nasal decongestants or sprays, these can have some harmful side effects of their own and can only be used for a few days. Remember, the key to dealing with post nasal drip is moisture, moisture, moisture.