Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Check Your List of Foods That Cause Gout

Nobody has to live with the pain and inconvenience of gout.
Prompt and proper treatment can effectively manage the symptoms of gout.
Often though, it takes more than just proper medication to control and prevent gout attacks.
You may also have to carefully note your own list of foods that cause gout.
Why Some People Have Gout Before looking into the list of foods that cause gout, you should first have a basic understanding of what causes gout.
Purines, which are a form of protein, are naturally occurring in our bodies.
They may also be obtained from food.
Purines are normally broken down into uric acid.
Sometimes, the body may not be able to swiftly get rid of all the uric acid.
There may also be too much uric acid in the body.
When this happens, urate crystals are formed which then settle on the joints, causing pain, inflammation and tenderness.
This is where having a list of foods that cause gout comes in handy.
Gout and Food Since purines can be found in food, it therefore makes sense to come up with a list of foods that cause gout.
It is important to note though that food normally provides only a small portion of the body's purine content.
Nonetheless, it still makes sense to take the extra precaution and avoid foods that can add to the purines that we already have.
There is some dispute over maintaining a list of foods that cause gout.
There are some studies that point out that some foods that are moderately high in purines do not considerably increase a person's risk of developing gout.
Even so, many doctors still continue to recommend diet restrictions to be on the safe side.
Your list of foods that cause gout may include some organ meats, anchovies, sweetbreads, gravy, alcohol, sardines, herring and some legumes.
Some foods that may contain moderate amounts of purines but may be eaten moderately may include beans, mushrooms, chicken and cauliflower.
Depending on your doctor's assessment of your condition, your list of foods that cause gout might be a little long.
If this is the case, you might not be able to get the right amounts of nutrients in your body.
Some diet supplements might help supply you with what you are missing.
You should also still strive to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
You should eat fewer proteins and fat and maintain your diet with complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Eat whole wheat breads, cereals, cherries, tofu, celery, bananas, coffee and tomatoes.
You should also make it a point to drink a lot of water.
What Else You Can Do Aside from watching over your list of foods that cause gout, you should also seriously consider your weight.
People who are overweight are at greater risk of developing gout.
Eat only in the proper amounts and ask your doctor for exercises that are appropriate for you.
Crash diets however are never good since these can cause an increase in uric acid levels.

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