Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Your Treatment For Leaky Gut: The Herbs

Natural remedies are the best methods to cure leaky gut syndrome. People who suffer from leaky gut usually look for a natural way to treat the problem. Using chemicals to treat this illness may just make it worse so it is best not to use them. The best method to treat this illness is by using herbs. Considered as alternative medicines, herbs can be used in the treatment of leaky gut.

Slippery Elm is a well-known herb. This herb is made into salve then applied to skin problems like boils, burns, wounds, and inflammation of the skin. Mucilage, the substance found in it, turns it into gel once water if mixed in it. The gel gives the soothing effect on the inflamed throat, stomach and intestines. Many choose this herb because of this reason. Also found in this herb are antioxidants which help fight infections and reduce the symptoms.

Peppermint tea is another popular herb to help treat leaky gut. It helps relieve the symptoms of this condition. It can calm the stomach, promotes normal bile flow and can kill certain bad bacteria thus decreasing the risk of infection.

Chamomile tea is another herb that is used to cure leaky gut. Abdominal bloating, excess gas, cramping and pain are examples of problems that are addressed by this herb. It has a calming effect on your nerves which reduces your anxiety level. It is a fact that with the signs of stress there is also the symptoms of gastrointestinal issues. It is then safe to stay that less stress in life means less gastrointestinal symptoms.

There is also the marshmallow root herb that has been used for many years. One of the issues that it addresses is the inflammation of the digestive tract. It soothes the lining of the digestive tract effectively.

The herb of choice of many herbalists is Echinacea as it can address a lot of health issues. It is known that its use can treat illnesses like cure scarlet fever, malaria, blood poisoning, and diphtheria. Echinacea helps boost the immune system due to the antioxidants in it.

Goldenseal is another favorite of the herbalists. This herb can be compared to Echinacea due to the fact that it is also a powerful and popular herb that is used to address a lot of health issues. It is said that this herb is harvested to the point of it being almost endangered because of its popularity among the herbalists.

Using one of these herbs may be the answer to those people who are looking to treat their leaky gut in a natural way. The use of medicines may worsen the symptoms of this illness. Antibiotics which kill both good and bad bacteria can make the condition worse. The vicious cycle of the leaky gut symptoms continues because of it.

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