Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

10 Tips to Enjoy Thanksgiving Without Gaining Weight

Does this happen to you? It's Thanksgiving and you haven't eaten much all day, hoping to save room for the wonderful turkey feast.
  Then it's finally dinnertime and, of course, you want to try everything.
  So you pile food high on your plate, take second helpings (maybe even thirds) and before you know it, YOU'RE more stuffed than the turkey itself! So what can you do this year to avoid that same old scenario?   First off, as a nutrition & weight-loss coach, you may be surprised to hear me say there is no need to eat low-fat, low-calorie versions of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes.
 That's right.
  Now is NOT the time to count calories and fat content.
Thanksgiving is a day for enjoyment:   to enjoy the food, being in the company of family and friends, and giving thanks for having such food at your disposal.
  However, this does NOT mean you can stuff yourself and eat all you want, as on Friday you'll just feel lousy and may continue to overeat until Christmas.
   As always, moderation is key.
   With that said, here are some ways to enjoy the Thanksgiving but not feel as stuffed as the turkey at the end of the day: 1)     Don't starve yourself until the big meal arrives.
  Eat a decent breakfast and a light lunch.
  Many people make the mistake of not eating all day and then stuffing themselves later on.
  You don't want to be so hungry that by the time dinner arrives you want to eat everything in sight.
  Besides, eating breakfast will jump start your metabolism for the day.
  2)    Exercise in the morning or before the meal.
  Go for a walk or play football outside with family members instead of sitting on the couch and watching it on TV.
  3)    Drink water throughout the day.
  Of course, you can still have a cocktail or two (don't overdo it!) but don't forget to drink water, especially before the meal.
  It will help keep you full and your body in balance throughout the day.
4)     Watch your portion size.
  Go ahead and try a bit of everything, just eat small portions.
  It's often the first few bites that taste the best anyway.
  So just take a few bites of the different dishes available.
  This way you can still enjoy everything, but you keep your overall food intake at a reasonable level.
5)     Limit eating second helpings.
  Like I just mentioned, most times it's those first few bites that we really enjoy.
  If there is that one favorite dish you just really love, go ahead and take a little extra.
  Just don't take seconds of everything.
6)     Don't think in terms of feast or famine.
  Remember that you can always enjoy the leftovers the next day.
  It's not like you'll never see these foods again for another 364 days! 7)     Don't forget to eat your vegetables.
Fill up on salad and veggies before heading for the more fattening stuff.
   This will help you to not overeat on the really heavy foods.
8)     Watch the starches and sugar.
  Don't eat too many potatoes, rolls, stuffing and extra servings of pumpkin pie.
  They will increase your insulin level and make you feel groggy later in the day.
  Balance the meal with enough protein and vegetables.
9)     Savor each bite.
 Really take the time to enjoy the wonderful food and the company of family and friends.
  If you eat mindlessly, you won't fully enjoy the food and you'll more likely overeat.
10)  Think moderation.
  It's okay to overeat and chances are you probably will.
  But there's a big difference between overeating and stuffing oneself.
  If you do indulge a little bit, don't fret over it.
One large meal isn't a problem.
  Too many large meals in a row are.
Thanksgiving isn't the time to worry about the fat content of foods.
  I'm a firm believer in allowing yourself to enjoy the good stuff and limiting portion size, eating in moderation, and the other small steps mentioned above.
Have a good time and enjoy the food, but in a way that lets you walk away from the table feeling good.
  © Dinneen Diette, 2007-2008

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