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The Eternal Debate - Can Solar Thermal Heating Panels Replace Oil and Gas?

Oil and gas are the fuels of choice in the modern world. However, research has highlighted how these are going to run out eventually. Many of the most recent studies demonstrate how oil could even run out in the next twenty years. To meet the world's growing energy requirements, as well as help reverse the effects of global warming, renewable methods like solar power have been developed and refined. Can solar thermal heating panels really replace oil and gas, though?

Oil and Gas

Oil and gas work by simply burning them. When they burn, they provide heat that allows people to heat their homes and cook their food. Unfortunately, when they are burned they emit carbon that rises up into the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere it contributes to the greenhouse effect. This is what continues to heat the world and cause, for example, the polar icecaps to melt.

With these resources steadily lessening, it also means prices are going up. This is why Americans constantly complain about the price of fuel. Moreover, it is only going to get worse as demand is increasing whilst the supply decreases. Unless the world discovers any further vast resources of oil, which is highly unlikely, it is only going to get worse.

Solar Thermal Heating Panels

Place solar paneling on the roof and begin generating electricity by using the sun. This is how it differs from oil. It requires energy to burn oil and gas, which creates carbon emissions itself. Solar power, on the other hand, comes from the sun, which is an everlasting, free energy source.

The only thing costing people anything is the manufacture of the panels themselves. In reality, solar paneling is fairly cheap to create. Add on an extra cost for actually fitting the paneling and that's it. Nobody who invests in these panels will have to pay another penny, unless it is for rare maintenance.

Can It Capture the Hearts and Minds?

Absolutely! There have been strong signs of solar power catching on already. In the United Kingdom, their government has already implemented some subsidy schemes for people that install paneling. In the US, there are also some tax breaks for people, although they are not as generous as in some countries. This is working wonders for encouraging people to change.

What is doing more work than anything in turning householders away from oil and gas is the energy companies themselves. As they continue to raise the prices of energy, it pushes more and more people away from using them. Rather than continue to suffer, they opt for this renewable power. In addition, they save themselves money in the long-term. Any initial investment is paid back in a matter of years; after that, it generates profits in the form of savings.

Does it cover for Gas and Oil?

Solar thermal heating panels can cover an average of 70% of a household's energy requirements. It depends entirely on the area in question, however. In areas like Alaska, it will not offer much use except in the summer months. It does not mean gas and oil needs to exist within society, though. By using other renewable sources like wind to supplement solar power, it is possible to cover everybody's energy needs.

Of course, it requires a complete overhaul of national grids around the world in order to concentrate power generation systems in desirable areas before transporting it to the relevant zones, but there is no reason why it cannot happen. In the meantime, solar paneling utilizes an independent system, so individual households can still benefit.

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