Technology Software

Going Paperless With PDF Creator

I have been an Administrative Assistant in many offices throughout my life.
One of the banes of my existence has been filing.
Between the paper cuts (and file folder cuts!) on my fingers, organizing the files, storing the files, and the keeping up with the files, it's a pain in the you know what.
The world is moving forward with technology and you hear the term paper-less office quite often.
What does this mean, really?It means no dang file folders, that's what it means! The last office I worked in was a really small organization; a mom and pop shipping company (Hi Bill and Anne!).
They had about 30 full-time employees and very little cash to invest in the technology end of their business.
But they wanted to be better organized.
Apparently, customers get really upset when you have "lost their file" and can't verify their bill of lading.
So, being the resourceful assistant that I like to be, I took on the task of making their office paperless.
I found this great little program, PDF Creator,that even Bill could use.
This man defines computer illiterate if you know what I mean? We simply scanned our documents, saved them as PDFs and filed them electronically.
All our file folders were online!No digging through file cabinets, no papercuts, no misfiling, no losing anything!From the moment we went paperless, everything ran smoother.
We saved so much time by having everything accessible on the computer network.
Even though I no longer work with Bill and Anne, I still use PDF Creator.
It's really simple to use and even I can afford it.
Plus, I can secure all my personal financial documents that I keep on my PC.

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