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What to Do When Your Man Doesn"t Desire You Anymore Sexually? Use These Tips Right Now

The worst nightmare that woman can have is when her husband/man no longer finds her sexually attractive and stops taking interest in sex.
Not only does it damage her mentally and emotionally but her confidence also takes a beating.
To tide over similar problems do the following and reverse the situation for good.
Change from passive to active Most women become passive recipients of sexual stimulation and do not give back as much as they receive.
To avoid this you will have to become the more active participant in the sexual encounter and surprise your man with your oral (pun intended) and other skills.
Get help from an expert You can consult a sex expert if you have the money and if you don't then you can do your own research and identify the problem and seek answers online.
There are any number of websites that offer quality advice free of cost.
Take the suggestion that suits your condition the most and follow it.
Use Brazilian wax Get rid of the pubic hair if you have been sporting it and let your guy experience increased sensations.
Using Brazilian wax will set you back by a few hundred dollars a month but it is money well spent.
If you can't spend that kind of money you can always use the razor and foam.
Change the way you dress Stop wearing pajamas and sweat shirts and start wearing sexy lingerie in the bedroom.
Also, if possible, take a shower before retiring to bed each night.
When you smell like a kitchen counter in bed your husband loses what little libido he might have.
Increase the foreplay You don't have to have penetrative sex every time you have foreplay.
Just lie naked with your man and have prolonged and intense foreplay.
If he or you do not want to have sex than leave it at that.
Try this trick and more often than not you will end up having sex.
Do some investigative work Make sure your husband or partner is not involved with someone else.
You can do the snooping around yourself or ask your closest friend to help you in this.
If that is the case you will first have to determine the extent of his involvement and seriousness before you take up the matter with him.
Give him surprises in the bedroom Role play, enacting fantasies are all legitimate ways of re-introducing the spark in your sexual life.
Try doing this, and nine times out of ten your problem will vanish.

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