Scott McClellan in the Hot Seat
Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan appeared on Capitol Hill this week, testifying before the House Committee investigating the outing of CIA covert operative Valerie Flame (not her real name).
But judging by the media's "reporting" of the event, or more accurately, the lack thereof, one would hardly know it.
The press treated it like a non-event; it barely made a blip on the radar.
That is because, more than anything, the press just wants Scott McClellan to go away, to ride off into the sunset and never be heard from again.
It is no wonder that they want to sweep the entire episode under the rug, for even more than an attack on the administration, it is a ringing indictment of the mainstream media, who abandoned their God-given duty and abrogated their responsibility as defender of the truth.
The watchdogs of liberty became the lapdogs of the administration.
Who are the losers in this latest episode of government inaction? Certainly not the administration, they are surrounded by a Teflon bubble; blame rolls off them like water off a lame duck's back.
Scott's accusations cannot touch them; they will get off "Scott"-free.
In some strange way, McClellan himself ended up the loser.
Vilified by the administration, reviled by the media, branded a turncoat by the court of public opinion, he received fire from every quarter.
He exposed the lies, and no one likes a tattletale.
The press is also a loser.
They lost every last ounce of credibility that they may have once laid claim to.
Never again will the mushrooms take anything they say at face value.
Not only their "facts," but their motives will be suspect.
But the biggest loser of all, by far, is the Constitution.
The sheeple no longer trust their government or believe in their guardians.
It is a sad day for democracy.
But judging by the media's "reporting" of the event, or more accurately, the lack thereof, one would hardly know it.
The press treated it like a non-event; it barely made a blip on the radar.
That is because, more than anything, the press just wants Scott McClellan to go away, to ride off into the sunset and never be heard from again.
It is no wonder that they want to sweep the entire episode under the rug, for even more than an attack on the administration, it is a ringing indictment of the mainstream media, who abandoned their God-given duty and abrogated their responsibility as defender of the truth.
The watchdogs of liberty became the lapdogs of the administration.
Who are the losers in this latest episode of government inaction? Certainly not the administration, they are surrounded by a Teflon bubble; blame rolls off them like water off a lame duck's back.
Scott's accusations cannot touch them; they will get off "Scott"-free.
In some strange way, McClellan himself ended up the loser.
Vilified by the administration, reviled by the media, branded a turncoat by the court of public opinion, he received fire from every quarter.
He exposed the lies, and no one likes a tattletale.
The press is also a loser.
They lost every last ounce of credibility that they may have once laid claim to.
Never again will the mushrooms take anything they say at face value.
Not only their "facts," but their motives will be suspect.
But the biggest loser of all, by far, is the Constitution.
The sheeple no longer trust their government or believe in their guardians.
It is a sad day for democracy.