Law & Legal & Attorney Tax Law

How to E-File for the IRS

    • 1). Download, purchase or access online tax-preparation software, or contact a licensed tax preparer who advertises e-filing. Some major providers include Free File, provided by the IRS, TaxACT, Turbo Tax, and H&R Block. Make sure that the software you select is approved by the IRS for tax preparation. Read all disclaimers and warnings carefully.

    • 2). Collect your financial documents. This can include W-2s from employers; 1099s for educational expenses, interest income or contract labor; receipts and expenses for self-employment; rent returns and upkeep for rental properties; sales and expenses for farms or any other income-producing activity. Be sure to include state income-tax refunds from the previous year. Report all income, including goods and services obtained through barter. Have a credit card or debit card on hand to use for payment.

    • 3). Follow the question-and-answer process provided in the tax-preparation software, or by your qualified tax-preparation agent. Read the questions carefully and ask for clarification from the help services or your preparer if you don't understand something. Clarifying questions during the preparation process can prevent problems later.

    • 4). Follow the online directions or your tax preparer's directions to complete the tax-return form. Print out the tax documents, and check them carefully for errors. If you are using software to prepare your return, most software has an alert checker at the end of the entering process, but this will not catch all data-entry errors. Once you are satisfied that the return is accurate, move to the next step.

    • 5). Provide a personal identification number or password for your tax return that will be easy for you to remember and that only you will recognize. You will use this PIN to electronically sign your documents and will need it to access your files later if the paper copy is lost or damaged. Print out copies of everything as you go. You will be prompted to choose whether to take filing fees for forms not covered in the basic free filing out of your return or to pay for them using a credit or debit card. You will be asked for the routing number for your bank and your checking account number if you wish to have your return sent to you through direct deposit. First-time e-filers may need to mail a signature sheet to the IRS.

    • 6). Submit your return following the directions in the software, or your tax preparer will submit it for you. There is usually a 24-hour wait for the form to be checked by the IRS software for completeness. Once the return has been accepted, there will be another waiting time --- the exact amount varies --- while filing is completed. You will then receive your refund or a receipt for payment.

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