Regulations for Doing Background Checks in Arkansas
- You must pass a criminal background check to purchase a handgun in Arkansasgun image by dinostock from
In less than 10 days employers, gun dealers and schools in Arkansas can run a criminal background check to determine if individuals have a history of activities that make them unsuitable for certain rights or privileges. A manual background check takes about 10 days. Professional licensing boards and employers may receive information faster by making an electronic request, which takes as little as several hours. To pull a criminal background check, a person or entity must have the subject of the investigation sign form ASP-122 from the state police office. - The Arkansas State Board of Health demands that all home health, hospice and private agencies in Arkansas run criminal background checks on employees, operators and applicants. The agency must retain these records on file for inspection by the Arkansas Crime Information Center, the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police or the licensing or certifying agency. The healthcare providers must guarantee the confidentiality of the records. Any failure to conform to these regulations can result in denial or revocation of the agency's license. The state of Arkansas also runs a criminal background check on all applicants for a nursing license.
- The Arkansas State Pharmacy Board will not issue a license, registration or reinstatement until the Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducts criminal background checks on applicants. A person found guilty of any felony by a court in Arkansas, or another state will not clear the background check and they will not qualify to receive an intern or pharmacist license. To override this qualification, an applicant must submit copies of court documents related to the offense and a notarized statement explaining why they should be granted the waiver to the board's Informal Review Committee. The committee will determine if the applicant has been rehabilitated and can practice again without causing risk to the health, safety and welfare of others
- Arkansas uses criminal background checks to protect children. The state department of human services cannot place a child in a foster home until foster parents and anyone in the household 10 year of age an older clears a check of the child maltreatment central registry in states they have lived in for the six years prior. The Identification Bureau of the Arkansas State Police must not find that foster parents and household members 18 years and older were convicted of pornography, rape, child abuse or physical assault, kidnapping, murder, incest or arson. Adopting parents also submit to similar background checks. The Arkansas Department of Human services checks the criminal backgrounds of all workers in childcare centers as well as teachers and employees in the school system. The school system also has the right to conduct background checks on any volunteers who have unsupervised contact with students.
- Arkansas does not require registration, a license or a permit to carry handguns, rifles and shotguns, but purchasers must submit to a criminal history check before acquiring these firearms. If a felony offense appears on a persons criminal history check, he may not purchase a firearm.