Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

Directions for Refinishing an Airstream


    • 1). Shut off the liquid propane gas supply to the trailer and disconnect and remove gas bottles.

    • 2). Remove the air conditioning shroud and all plastic light lenses.

    • 3). Remove the awnings, hub caps and license plate.


    • 1). Mask the bases of the lights, plastic vent covers, all decorative trim and name plates with masking tape.

    • 2). Mask the 110-volt outlet and the water fill door.

    • 3). Mask the door locks and the service and storage compartment locks.

    • 4). Mask the water heater and refrigerator service doors.

    Stripping Old Plasticoat Finish

    • 1). Mix a solution of paint stripper diluted by 20 percent with lacquer thinner and pour into a compressed air paint sprayer.

    • 2). Spray the trailer with the stripper solution using an air pressure of 50 to 60 p.s.i. Begin at the front of the trailer on one side and work to the back, spraying the lower panel first. Return to the front of the trailer, spraying the upper half of the same side.

    • 3). Rinse off the stripper with water using a high-pressure hose. Repeat the stripping and rinsing procedure on the other half of the trailer, then strip and rinse each side of the roof.

    • 4). Clean the entire surface of the trailer with clean lacquer thinner and soft cloths. Wipe with the grain of the metal. If patches of old plasticoat remain, apply paint stripper with a brush, then rinse and clean with lacquer thinner.

    • 5). Blow any residual moisture out of seams, window frames and other openings with an air hose attached to an air compressor.

    Applying New Plasticoat Finish

    • 1). Dilute Airstream-approved plasticoat finish according to manufacturer's recommendations and fill paint sprayer with solution.

    • 2). Spray the entire surface of the trailer with a medium-wet tack coat of plasticoat at 80 to 85 lbs. of air gun pressure. Spray from rooftop down, coating both sides of the front quarter first, skipping the main door, then spray the rear quarter. Move forward toward the front, spraying from the top down on both sides. Coat the main door last.

    • 3). Apply a final, thicker coat of plasticoat using the same method. This coat will produce a shiny wet appearance. Allow the plasticoat to air dry. Remove masking tape.

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