Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Solutions & Treatments For Stretchmarks

Use a daily skin rejuvenating activator that prevents & eliminates stretch marks naturally.
It is made with a biological ingredient gathered from a tiny creature that Nature has empowered with the capability to yield scarless repair of its skin when damaged.
By using a daily skin rejuvenating activator two times a day you can insure proper skin care.
Keep in mind that this application should continue for a prolonged period of time and depends on the age and extent of your blemishes.
The cream exfoliates damaged cells, gently dissolving skin imperfections, reducing and even eliminating all signs of scars, stretch marks and blemishes.
It also kills pathogens and promotes an environment that triggers the rejuvenation of normal collagen.
This cream relieves the skin and shields it from oxidative damage due to free radicals.
It enhances elasticity and increases density, moisture retention ability and skin's firmness, leaving it baby soft and soothed.
Obtain Better Results with a Regular Massage Procedure When using a regenerative cream on old and large stretch marks, you should apply it at night, 2 or 3 times a week (no more).
You can also take a relaxing bath and apply a vigorous massage with a wooden massager or a body scrub to help eliminate devitalized cells.
Exfoliation helps discard dull skin and dead cells found in the scars that appear as stretch marks.
Apply the body scrub and a moisturizer of your choice (any Aloe Vera Gel or Lubriderm Cream) on the zone to be treated with the wooden massager.
After the massage apply the regenerative cream immediately on the treated area.
Treatment and Reduction Process for Stretch Marks The elimination or shrinkage of scars, blemishes, and stretch marks from the skin depends on a process known as "skin remodeling".
The skin is designed to heal wounds quickly to avoid blood loss and infection.
Scars are manufactured from a rapidly synthesized "collagen glue" that the body deposits into an injured area for protection and strength.
In optimal skin repair, wounded skin is rapidly closed, and then the healed zone is gradually reconstructed to remove the residual collagen scars and blend the skin area into nearby skin.
Scar collagen is removed and replaced with a mixture of skin cells and invisible collagen fibers.
This remodeling can continue in a patch of the skin for ten years.
In children the remodeling ratio is high and scars are rapidly removed from damaged skin areas.
But as we reach adulthood, this ratio diminishes and small scars can remain for years.
One way to accelerate remodeling is to generate a small amount of contained skin damage with a needle, laser, acid, or by exfoliating or scrubbing the skin as in the massage routine and then letting the body's repair process reconstruct the damaged skin area.
This is usually done by a professional and is not recommended without proper supervision.
An alternative approach is to help the body by using skin repair activators that improve natural healing mechanisms and obtain an even better final result.

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