Home & Garden Pest Control

Controlling Pests that Pester You. Part 10: Wildlife

You told us the pests that most pester you, so we, in turn, are providing a hub of information for control of those top pests. Simply review the short write up on each article or video and click the link for more information.

The pests that pestered even worse than these were:
  1. Rodents
  2. Flies
  3. Ants
  4. Spiders
  5. Cockroaches
  6. Termites or Carpenter Ants
  7. Mosquitoes
  8. Bed bugs
  9. Plant pests (mites, aphids, thrips, etc.)

    This tenth and last article in the series focuses on your #10 concern: Wildlife, such as skunks, moles, bats, etc. 3% of responders said they have or have had a problem with these in or around their homes.

    Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden
    To many people, the image that comes to mind at the mention of a rabbit is a soft, fluffy cute bunny, a rabbit carrying a basket of eggs, or the cartoon character, Bugs Bunny. But for those who have and love their gardens, the image that comes to mind may be more like that of Peter Rabbit: a destructive pest that eats its way through their vegetables. This article provides methods of identifying rabbit damage and means of control -- addressing those destructive pest - while maintaining a care for the cute, cuddly ones as well.

    Control Squirrels Around Your Home
    Although squirrels are a natural part of the environment, they can become pests when they cause damage to residential structures, homes, or plant life. This article provides information on the damage that squirrels can cause along with various methods to keep them out of your home, off of your bird feeders, and away from your plants to protect all of them from damage.

    9 Answers to Squirrel Control
    Squirrels, too, can seem quite cute as run and jump, furry tails flying. So why the fuss? Why not just let them be? This article provides information in question and answer format, to explain how and why close contact with squirrels can be dangerous to humans and even other animals, and damaging to plants. It also provides ideas for protecting against these furry creatures without the use of chemicals.

    Bats and Bat Control
    Much of what is said of bats is more fallacy than fact (e.g., they are not blind, they are very unlikely to get tangled in your hair, they do not feed on human blood). On the other hand, they are most active at night, they do sleep upside down, and it is not uncommon to find them in the attic. They also can cause damage and disease if they do get into your home – not to mention the simple annoyance of their scratching and squeaks, Find out more about bats and their control in this article.

    The Cute but Deadly Deer Mouse
    With its coloring causing a resemblance to deer (thus its name), this mouse can appear to be rather cute, but as a primary carrier of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) and Lyme disease, this wild mouse is much better avoided. Read about this and other wild mice in this article.

    Mole Control in Lawn and Garden
    With moles lurking in their subterranean fortresses throughout the year and dig holes that are not only unsightly to lawns but also can be disruptive to the root systems of garden plants, About.com Guide David Beaulieu explains how to identify moles and various methods of control.

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