Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Colic Causes, Symptoms And Role Of Herbal Remedies

Colic is one among the common health issues reported in health centers. What are the causes of colic in infants? This is a common question heard from the face of parents. Symptoms shown as a result of colic generally varies from one infant to another. Frequent crying, bloating and irritable bowels are the common symptoms shown as a result of colic. Is there any cure for treating colic in infants? This query is quite common among parents. Let's see here some of the best herbal cures for treating colic in infants. Have you ever used lemon balm? This particular herbal product is found to be very effective for treating colic problems.

Chamomile tea, a common herbal teas recommended by health experts is a safe cure for many health issues. Apart from reducing colic issues, you can also use this cure for treating sleeplessness and irritable bowel syndrome. Similar to chamomile, fennel seed is another natural remedy for colic troubles. To get the best result, it is advised to drink five to six cups of fennel seed tea per day. Caraway, a common cure for many health troubles is found to be very useful for relieving the symptoms of colic. Improving digestion, reducing heart burn and minimizing reflux actions are other health benefits of using caraway.

Aloe vera, a common herbal cure for treating stomach issues is found to be very useful to treat colic troubles. It treats inflammation and prevents a wide range of health issues like stomach ulcers. As per studies, blackthorn is found to be as a natural cure for treating many colic problems. If your child is suffering from colic problems, never hesitate to include blackthorn in daily diet. Mint, one among the common ingredients in herbal supplements is found to be as a safe cure for colic troubles. Today, you can easily get mint products from market in the form of extract, tablets and capsules.

Rubbing warm oil on the belly part of baby is found to be very effective for the treatment of colic problems. You can use any type of oil for this treatment. Coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil are some of the best used oils for treatment. As said earlier, herbal teas are found to be very effective for the treatment of colic troubles. Green tea, enriched with herbal ingredients can minimize the occurrence of many health issues. For satisfactory result, feel free to include green tea in daily diet.

At present, there are a wide range of herbal remedies available in online stores boasting cure from colic troubles. Choosing the best herbal product from online stores may not be an easy task for all. In this article, we are going to see some of the best features of Arozyme. It is one among the safe cures for treating many health issues. Enhancing digestion, improving appetite and reducing fatigue are some among the main features of this herbal product. For gaining maximum result, feel free to include this herbal product in daily diet.

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