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How to Train to Be a Submariner

    • 1). Enlist in the Officer Candidate School in Pensacola, Florida. Learn basic Navy training to become commissioned as an ensign. At the completion of this schooling, you can then train to become a submariner.

    • 2). Transfer to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command School in Charleston, South Carolina. Take one year of basic lessons in nuclear power propulsion and in fundamental enlisted rate training in the nuclear propulsion field. Complete six months of advanced nuclear power training at the graduate classroom level before taking the other six months of practical training at the Navy's shore-based reactor training facilities.

    • 3). Finish training at the reactor training facility. Attend the Naval Submarine School at Groton, Connecticut, for the final portion of submarine training concerning operational command systems. You can attend the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, to learn the undersea warfare curriculum concerning warfare sensors and weapons.

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