Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Tone and Firm - How to Tone Yourself Into a Sexy Body While at the Office

Can't seem to leave the office to hit the gym? No sweat.
We all know that weight training exercises are important for toning the body.
Follow the exercise below to get that shapely upper body in less time while your at the office.
Here's the four moves: Let's start with the one-arm cable row.
Find a low stationary object and attach a resistance band to it.
Grab the handle with your right hand, step back to add tension till it's taut.
Keep your tummy tight, take a reverse lunge back with your right leg bending at 90 degrees and bring your right elbow towards your body.
Squeeze your right shoulder blade toward your left one.
Straighten your arm as you stand up straight.
Repeat the motion.
After 10-12 reps, switch to the left side and repeat.
Bent-over row.
Get in a stance, feet shoulder width apart.
Don't lock your knees and keep your tummy tight.
Bend at the waist and make sure your back is flat.
Grab a 8-10 lbs dumbbell, Arms are hanging down, palms are facing your legs.
As you bring the dumbbells towards your chest, squeezing the shoulder blades together, I want you to exhale.
Inhale as you lower the weight.
Chest press on a stability ball.
Lie back with a 10lbs dumbbell in each hand.
You should have your head and shoulders on the ball.
Keep your tummy tight and hips up so that they are even with your knees.
Bring weights down with your arms out to your sides and your elbows are bent at 90 digress.
As you press toward the dumbbells towards the ceiling over your chest, breath out.
As you lower the weight, breathe in.
Repeat for 10-12 reps.
Shadow boxing seated.
Sit upright on your chairs.
Feet flat on the floor and tummy tight.
Hold a couple of 3-5lbs dumbbells under your chin.
I want you to punch out at an angle across your body.
Do at least 100 punches with each arm.
They'll feel like toast after this one.
Do these 4 exercises 3 times while resting 1 minute between each circuit.
As you can see, you can do these quick, effective workout at your home or office.
The result, you'll have a knockout upper body!

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