Society & Culture & Entertainment Cultures & Groups

Day Three Creation Crafts

    Seeds Inside

    • Children can make a variety of plants and flowers with a paper plate. Provide some seeds for round-shaped growing things like tomatoes, apples, pumpkins, oranges, watermelon, daisies, and sunflowers. Have the children paint a paper plate with the color of the growing thing they choose to create. They should press the appropriate type of seeds into the wet paint. When the crafts are finished, hang them around the room. Older children can cut stems, leaves and vines from construction paper, and attach the cutouts and the painted items onto a wall space to create a "Day Three," mural.

    Forest in the Classroom

    • Provide large pieces of cardboard for the class. Have children work in groups to draw trees of different types. They can look at tree pictures from a book or poster to decide what type of tree to create. Remind them to draw branches above the tree trunks. They should tear various sized pieces of construction paper, tissue paper, and brown grocery bag paper. Encourage the children to create different textures as they glue the paper pieces onto the trees. They can wad up some papers, wrinkle some, and layer flat papers to create bark and leaves. Let them decide whether to add magazine cutout pictures of nuts, flower buds, fruits or even pine cones to their trees. Place the finished trees against the walls around the classroom.

    How They Grow, Poster

    • Create the life-cycle of a flower on a piece of poster board. The children can make their own colorful 3-D posters from pom poms and chenille stems. Have them glue a pom pom onto the poster to represent a seed. They should then twist a green chenille stem to look like a sprouted seed with small leaves, and make a larger sprout with another chenille stem. Tape the stems onto the poster. For a flower bud, have the children twist a chenille stem to look like a flower stem with leaves. They should make two stems with leaves and tape them onto the poster. On top of the second stem with leaves, have the children glue a pom pom for a flower center. They can twist any color of chenille stems into flower petal shapes and tape them around the flower center.

    Real Plants

    • Let the children draw on foam cups with colored pencils or pens. They can decorate the cup any way they wish. Have older children write a Bible verse on the cup, if desired. Help children fill the cups with potting soil, then choose and plant a flower or vegetable plant. Keep the plants in the classroom for a learning activity or send them home with the children.

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