Health & Medical Body building

Weight Gain Diet

While the majority of people are pursuing a slimmer self, there are some who need to gain weight.
Did you know that being underweight could be just as dangerous to your body as being over weight? This diet revolves around you consuming an additional 500 calories each day in addition to your regular intake.
Experts agree that 500 is the optimum for weight gain, however if this is not working you may wish to test bumping your additional calorie intake up to 700.
Eating calorie dense but nutritious food is what most doctors agree is required to gain weight in a healthy way.
Here is an example of a daily meal plan on the weight gain diet: Breakfast: Granola, chopped nuts, milk, a banana, and juice.
Lunch: A can of tuna in oil, a tomato, a handful of olives, 1/2 an avocado, mixed salad, and whole grain crackers.
Dinner: High in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Mid Morning and Afternoon snacks are allowed.
Fruit, nuts and whole grain crackers are recommended.
As you are aiming to gain weight, it is beneficial to eat multiple meals of smaller quantities each day, over a few large meals.
Eating multiple small meals, when combined with your training schedule encourages your body to use the calories you have eaten to build muscle.
The focus of your eating should be on nutritious foods from a variety of food groups and sources.
Some might indulge in fatty fast foods in an attempt to gain weight, but this is certainly the wrong path to take if you wish to remain healthy.
In most cases the need to purchase expensive weight gain powders and vitamins is not necessary.
As long as you are eating a good well balance diet including more calories than you burn you will gain weight.

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