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Ten Fat Burning Diet Tips - Burn Fat Fast

Ten great ways to immediately implement a fat burning diet today.
These are the foundational habits one must adopt to be lean for life.
The only liquid in your diet that you should drink to burn fat is water.
It's calorie free, constitutes 60% of your body, and is critical to all of your vital functions performing efficiently.
Diet Soda is also a no-no.
Water only, no exceptions if you're serious about your fat burning diet.
Note: coffee and tea without any sugar or milk is permitted as their caloric weight is negligible.
Eat five to six small meals or more appropriately named, snacks a day.
Each meal must consist of some protein, fiber, and good fats.
Eat a meal or snack every 2 - 3 hours.
Your overall calorie consumption should not go up.
The frequency of meals increases, but the amount consumed at each meal should be a lot less.
Why this works: Your body is very smart, when there is an abundance of food constantly going in it realizes it can shed the fat it's hanging onto for rough times.
When you eat square meals a day your body goes into starvation mode before the next meal and you will naturally conserve existing fat.
Eat a good breakfast as soon as you can after waking up.
Before you shower, get ready for work, and take out the trash the first thing you should do every morning is proceed directly to the kitchen and eat a high quality meal to stoke your fat burning diet.
Don't fear the F word - FAT.
Eating fat does not make you fat.
Eating more calories than you use makes you fat.
Fat is critical to many bodily functions and is a very necessary macro nutrient.
Eat good fats: avocado, almonds, olive oil, whole eggs, fatty fish, fish oil and grape seed oil.
Always eat food in it's purest most unprocessed form.
The foods that should be staples in your diet should be able to be hunted, picked, or harvested.
Can you pick a cheeseburger? Can you harvest some white bread? Can you hunt some milk shakes? The more pure the form of the food, the more nutrients and health benefits it will provide.
Whole unprocessed foods always have a lot less calories than their processed brethren.
Always eat your biggest meals towards the beginning of the day, rather than at the end.
Basically reverse the standard American diet where you eat a "light" bagel for breakfast and a wheel barrel of pasta for dinner.
If you eat your largest meal towards the beginning of the day, it ill allow you to use that food for the whole day, rather than store it as fat towards the end of the day.
Eat a cheat meal every week.
Yes, eat whatever you want once a week then get back on the wagon.
Eat a whole pizza and a six pack of beer if it suits you.
You still need to have fun and enjoy yourself.
Embarking on a fat burning diet isn't something you should do if you're not going to enjoy it.
If you and you're friends are going out for some crap food, you must be strong! Eat something filling and healthy before, and have a little junk when your there.
Or even better, bring a protein bar and scarf that down.
Your friends may make fun of you, but you can direct them to your abs and then observe who is laughing now.
Stop eating meals about 3 hours before you go to bed.
The exception to this rule is if you workout at night, you should absolutely have a meal after to start repairing muscle.
Feel free to have a light snack before bed if you get hungry like a piece of string cheese to hold you over.
You knew it was coming...
EXERCISE! If you want dramatic and lasting results you must start exercising on regular basis.
No pills or special products will ever get you the same results that a fantastic fat burning diet and exercise program will get you.
Don't just do cardio either.
You must lift weights and do cardio exercise to get the maximum results.

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