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How to Fix the Recurring Compile Error in MS Access Database

MS Access (i.e. Microsoft Access) or Microsoft Office Access is a database management system designed and marketed by Microsoft Corporation, and is a part of Microsoft Office Suite that is available in several versions. Microsoft combines its Jet Database Engine with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and some commercial software development tools, each playing an important role to develop this platform to create and manage databases at both small and large scales. MS Access database engine stores data in a format that is specified in Jet Dataset Engine and the same can be used to link to data stored in a similar database engine or a software application. The major application of MS Access database engine is as a prototype in software development.

Errors in MS Access Database Engine

Though many other database engines (such as Oracle, MS SQL, and more) are also available for similar or even better usage, the prime reason for choosing MS Access over others could be its lightweight, and might be because it is blessed with the brand name Microsoft. However, no matter how big and well known brand Microsoft is, its database engine is error prone alike some other database engines are. In this post, we are going to discuss the Inconsistent Compile Error for a Field Reference in a Form that was encountered in MS Access database engine.
MS Access database engine experiencing recurring compile errors with the following code behind a form:

If IsNull (Me.Comments) Then

Remember, Comments in the aforementioned error is not at all a control on the form, but it is a field mentioned in the form RecordSource. MS Access database engine compiles and runs this instruction finely. However, it randomly generates a compile error while the program is running, which says the field was not found, even if it exists on the form RecordSource. Therefore, the causes of the error are quite difficult to find out.

Causes of the Errors

When it comes to figure out the causes of an error encountered on computer, you must go deep inside the application, or eventually, you might have go online for help in order to fix it. However, it is not about searching the causes of the error, it is about finding the causes and fixing them in an efficient manner so that you do not see them again, which obviously demands them to be fixed by professionals.
Based on various tests performed and their corresponding fixes applied, the professionals find out the cause of the compile error as mentioned above appears to be the RecordSource of a form that changes programmatically. However, it is not mandatory that the change will be on the form, a location where the compile error is triggered already. You may have to make some additional changes in coding to modify the RecordSource or the complete form.

Another cause of compile error could be MicrosoftEUR(TM)s internal list of field references that it modifies after modifying the RecordSource. With this, you can easily figure out exactly why it happens with only a few users. Actually, it depends on if the form that changes its RecordSource is open, and gives reasons about why the error does not encounter immediately after modifying the form, but it takes some time.

Fixing the Error

MS Access database errors require immediate attention from experts, and therefore you must consult experts in order to prevent further issues in the database both at the user and programmer end. Alternatively, you can use professional Access database repair software as a step towards fixing the error caused. For the time being, following are some internal changes you can also try doing:

In case no code is bound to this field, you can change all EUR~Me.EUR(TM) coding to EUR~Me!EUR(TM) that actually is the correct and recommended way to reference a field in VBA coding.

Database deployment is recommended to prevent changing (ACCDE or MDE) the compiled state.

Technically, you can also try the following
Create a text box and make it invisible.
Assign ControlSource of the text box to that field.
Rename the text box (e.g. txtArguments), and then
Reference the text box in coding.

Why Invisible Textbox?
The reason behind choosing an invisible text box is to reference the control name through EUR~Me.EUR(TM) syntax instead of EUR~Me!EUR(TM) Moreover, every time while compiling the code, it verifies the EUR~Me.EUR(TM) syntax in order to catch a typo with the control name. The moment the user sees the line of code, it triggers a runtime error that is preferable.

Well, though it was not that difficult to fix the error and we already knew it, the prime purpose we created the invisible textbox and performed other related steps is that it was necessary to make the users understand exactly why they were encountering the compilation error. As the error has been resolved as above, it will not fail even when some unforeseen error is encountered.

In fact, the error encountered above is a random one that was not supposed to arise though. However, since we have referenced the EUR~Me.EUR(TM) syntax in coding, it will no longer arise and cause compile issues. In addition, the form that triggered the error earlier also seems in perfect angle referencing to a field that exists in the RecordSource.

At any moment, if there is a need to consult the experts, I recommend going for it because database security is the prime aspect.

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