Reincarnation Is a Real Life Experience
Death comes suddenly to some and is dragged out for others.
Some die in violence and others in peace.
My last death was sudden, peaceful and without pain.
I was simply alive one second and dead the next.
Then my being, whatever you like to call it, was high above my body looking down on it.
It was slumped across the seat of a dray while a horse stood patiently in the stocks.
The sun was high in the sky and that's about all there was to it.
Next I was in darkness with the Spirit and visions were shown to me of my life to come.
The age of 45 would be extra special.
Returning to life was not a pleasant thought but the idea that something which had to be done could now be achieved was inspiring.
My parents were being married when my being was then high above taking in the scene.
That is a memorable date and one properly recorded.
My birth took place a month later.
They say that you can't take anything out of the world with you when you go, but I did.
First there was the other language that was far different to anything spoken around me in my new life and it would be eight years before English would become familiar to me.
Next there was, of course, the memory of my death and being between lives.
Lastly there was knowledge.
When so-called 'gifted' children are praised as geniuses they may be people who like me, brought experience, memory and skills from previous existences.
Also those who are discontent with their bodies and want to be the opposite sex may also have reincarnated.
There are many transvestites and others who are happier living in that fashion.
In my case I was a man in my last life and found it strange and difficult to be a female in this one.
It was something I had to work on as my strength was nothing like it used to be.
There are many aspects of my life, however, that are different to what one might expect from a woman.
One example is my independence and strong will.
While many women expect to be married to a man to take care of them in my case marriage was a burden and that time was one of extreme loneliness.
In summary it pays to look at all things before one decides on what is right or wrong about life.
One thing, however, is very wrong.
That is the threat of hell and the bribery from religious groups about an eternal paradise.
In my experience the only place one feels is in a body, a living one.
The dead have no nerves and feel nothing.
From my observations heaven and hell are weapons of terror that force people into situations that are against their spirit.
Some die in violence and others in peace.
My last death was sudden, peaceful and without pain.
I was simply alive one second and dead the next.
Then my being, whatever you like to call it, was high above my body looking down on it.
It was slumped across the seat of a dray while a horse stood patiently in the stocks.
The sun was high in the sky and that's about all there was to it.
Next I was in darkness with the Spirit and visions were shown to me of my life to come.
The age of 45 would be extra special.
Returning to life was not a pleasant thought but the idea that something which had to be done could now be achieved was inspiring.
My parents were being married when my being was then high above taking in the scene.
That is a memorable date and one properly recorded.
My birth took place a month later.
They say that you can't take anything out of the world with you when you go, but I did.
First there was the other language that was far different to anything spoken around me in my new life and it would be eight years before English would become familiar to me.
Next there was, of course, the memory of my death and being between lives.
Lastly there was knowledge.
When so-called 'gifted' children are praised as geniuses they may be people who like me, brought experience, memory and skills from previous existences.
Also those who are discontent with their bodies and want to be the opposite sex may also have reincarnated.
There are many transvestites and others who are happier living in that fashion.
In my case I was a man in my last life and found it strange and difficult to be a female in this one.
It was something I had to work on as my strength was nothing like it used to be.
There are many aspects of my life, however, that are different to what one might expect from a woman.
One example is my independence and strong will.
While many women expect to be married to a man to take care of them in my case marriage was a burden and that time was one of extreme loneliness.
In summary it pays to look at all things before one decides on what is right or wrong about life.
One thing, however, is very wrong.
That is the threat of hell and the bribery from religious groups about an eternal paradise.
In my experience the only place one feels is in a body, a living one.
The dead have no nerves and feel nothing.
From my observations heaven and hell are weapons of terror that force people into situations that are against their spirit.