Going-Going, Gone! (and an Essay on Writing and Learning)
Yes, I'm going, going, going going far away yes, I'm going, going, going, almost gone you might say yes, we are all going away almost gone away we are all going someday; won't be back tomorrow going, going-gone just like the others going, going-gone like the end of a song gone, gone, gone-going to the other place.
We were never meant to stay not much lift here anyway, not much more to say, done almost everything that could make a man's ears ring so long, tell them I'm gone! until we meet again until another day no promises, no way no plans today.
Going, going gone gone, gone, going, going, gone away no more taxes, to pay no more taxies, to take yes, yes going, gone just like that...
like I never was here today, gone tomorrow and tomorrow's another day.
Yes, I've got a gray beard, waist gone, gone, going white hair for sideburns yes, I'm on my way going, going, gone (almost) gone, gone, gone (almost) going there, gone from here like the end of a song I came one day, and left just like that gone with dong gone with a song going, going gone- Now: I'M SIMPLY GONE! #2219 2-5-2008 Writing on Paper and Learning (an essay):let me just take a moment, and comment on the issue of writing on paper (and the process of learning; it just didn't happen overnight for the public); paper which we most likely take less notice of, advantage of, or pay it little attention at all, made the learning process possible for the masses.
I am grateful for the times I live in, if it was prior to the Crusades, it would be a problem for me to write so freely on paper, or have had the chance to learn so openly.
Let me explain: prior to, in and during, the dark ages when the lands in Europe did less cultivation, the mind of the public at large, was starved you could say, then all of a sudden, it started to be cultivated again, from the lack of tillage, the soil bloomed again, and commerce, became plentiful, and surplus, as in modern times, thus, this created more trade, and the cities that didn't grow were being widened, and rebuilt and growing now.
The wars, Crusades, this led to routes tothe East, luxuriescame, and so, paper started to come into the cities cheaply, where at one timeit was to the contrary, but Egypt made it possible, where prior to this it was costly, as was learning costly.
Mostly a commodity only the church could give to its priests.
Liberation was at hand after the dark ages, everywhere-there was no longer a reason to remain ignorant.
The common dispute turned into research.
It was the awakening.
It grew from the days of Roger Bacon (1294 AD), onward to Leonardo, 1452, and past Galileo 1564, to its zenith, about 1661 AD (the time of Francis Bacon).
We were never meant to stay not much lift here anyway, not much more to say, done almost everything that could make a man's ears ring so long, tell them I'm gone! until we meet again until another day no promises, no way no plans today.
Going, going gone gone, gone, going, going, gone away no more taxes, to pay no more taxies, to take yes, yes going, gone just like that...
like I never was here today, gone tomorrow and tomorrow's another day.
Yes, I've got a gray beard, waist gone, gone, going white hair for sideburns yes, I'm on my way going, going, gone (almost) gone, gone, gone (almost) going there, gone from here like the end of a song I came one day, and left just like that gone with dong gone with a song going, going gone- Now: I'M SIMPLY GONE! #2219 2-5-2008 Writing on Paper and Learning (an essay):let me just take a moment, and comment on the issue of writing on paper (and the process of learning; it just didn't happen overnight for the public); paper which we most likely take less notice of, advantage of, or pay it little attention at all, made the learning process possible for the masses.
I am grateful for the times I live in, if it was prior to the Crusades, it would be a problem for me to write so freely on paper, or have had the chance to learn so openly.
Let me explain: prior to, in and during, the dark ages when the lands in Europe did less cultivation, the mind of the public at large, was starved you could say, then all of a sudden, it started to be cultivated again, from the lack of tillage, the soil bloomed again, and commerce, became plentiful, and surplus, as in modern times, thus, this created more trade, and the cities that didn't grow were being widened, and rebuilt and growing now.
The wars, Crusades, this led to routes tothe East, luxuriescame, and so, paper started to come into the cities cheaply, where at one timeit was to the contrary, but Egypt made it possible, where prior to this it was costly, as was learning costly.
Mostly a commodity only the church could give to its priests.
Liberation was at hand after the dark ages, everywhere-there was no longer a reason to remain ignorant.
The common dispute turned into research.
It was the awakening.
It grew from the days of Roger Bacon (1294 AD), onward to Leonardo, 1452, and past Galileo 1564, to its zenith, about 1661 AD (the time of Francis Bacon).