Family & Relationships Conflict

How To Get Your Ex Start Talking To You Again And Break The Eerie Silence?

Clamming up once in a while is normal but after a breakup no matter how smooth it was, many partners simply turn incommunicado.
The silence is eerie, to say the least.
How is it possible to get your ex start talking to you again? After all, it is highly possible that your ex too is feeling awkward and miserable about what happened in the past and really do not know how to cope with it.
First of all remember that both of your would ultimately be able to talk things out - it's just a matter of time.
Both of you need time to sort things out mentally and go over the past problems in order to re-assess where things went wrong and if there are ways to come around them.
Think of it, even if both of you were talking to each other right now, what could be the possible topics that you would communicate about? The same old subject of the fights, who said what and when and such useless topics! Isn't this impasse better in a way? At least this gap in communication is giving you both a chance to sort issues out by yourself so that the next time when you do talk to each other, you are in a more positive frame of mind and need not harp on the past repeatedly.
When this impasse is over, both of you would have realized your follies and the mistakes you made to sour the otherwise beautiful relationship.
You would meet each other without any past baggage - and view the togetherness in a completely new light and perspective.
Therefore the best option for you is to take this silence, even if it appears eerie and misleading, in the right spirit.
This is simply because, there is light at the end of the tunnel - it's just a matter of time before you actually get your ex start talking to you again.

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