Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Natural Hypertension Remedy - 3 Tips to Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and yoga have been found to be incompatible partners i.e. yoga is effective for bringing your blood pressure back down.

How Does It Work?

Stress is one of the major factors implicated in high blood pressure. Yoga teaches you how to relax effectively and destress. It could be that this alone is why yoga is so effective.

Proponents of yoga also argue that yoga directly works on the nervous system in preventing the bodily reactions to emotional events - these reactions that we know as stress.

They also claim that it can improve concentration and memory and allow you to get a better night's sleep - again, these are likely to help reduce general stress levels.

Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure

A number of yoga poses are suggested against hypertension. The ones said to help are known as the asanas which include forward bends and inversions.

Inversions put specific parts of the body under temporarily higher pressure (like during exercise). This systematically strengthens the blood vessel walls and keeps them wide open, thus reducing blood pressure.

Some beneficial poses for high blood pressure that you may wish to try include Adho Mukha Svanasana, Setubandha Sarvangasana, Salamba Sarvangasana, Sirsasana, Halasana, Setubandha Sarvangasana, Viparita Karani, Camel pose and the Corpse pose.


Learning how to adequately control your breathing is said to be extremely beneficial against high blood pressure. There are many different breathing control techniques, most of which are suitable for those with hypertension.

Not In Isolation

It is unlikely that yoga alone will cure you of your high blood pressure. However, that need not mean that you must take drugs.

I strongly advise that you combine yoga with other natural methods such as dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Discover how to lower your blood pressure 100% naturally with no drugs whatsoever here: Blood Pressure Truth.

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