Business & Finance Business Information

Internet Marketing Tip: Is your Opt-In Box up to Snuff?

Oops! There it was...

Or rather, there it wasn't.

A decent looking website with a great big hole in it.

No, it wasn't missing a results-rich headline, a thoughtfully-crafted message or a pretty photo of the hopeful (but unfortunately, in this case, hapless) entrepreneur about whose site I was shaking my head and "tch-tching".

It was missing an in-your-face client name and email address capturing opt-in box.

Bummer. Because the high hopes and expectations of that website's woman business owner are surely going to be all washed up before she even gets started.

Women entrepreneurs: Your opt-in box is NOT optional! It is the only thing that creates a link, a bond, a connection between you and your busy, barely-paying-attention website visitor. Think of your opt-in box as the glue that gets your new-found relationship to start sticking.

Because once you have your visitors' names and email addresses, you have the means to begin creating close-knit relationships. Relationships where you deliver boatloads of inspiration and information in exchange for your visitors' buying your products and services.

Okay, now that you know your opt-in box is an internet marketing must-have, let me share with you five powerful internet marketing tips to make sure your opt-in box is doing the heavy lifting it's supposed to do. That's the whole POINT of the Internet: get the computer to do the hard work so the woman business owner can focus on creating soul and success in her business!

WARNING: If you have a faint internet marketing heart, a couple of these tips may cause you to make a quick excuse as to why you can't do them. Please, recognize that's just fear of being bold and brilliant happening and yes, you CAN overcome it.

Think of it this way: you can't make a big difference in the world if your audience isn't completely hooked on to you as their new Goddess (guys, think Hero here) of Wisdom on your topic. So stop hiding out behind excuses and start showing up with your brilliant self!

Internet Marketing Tip: Put your opt-in box where it can be seen.
That means the top right corner of every page. Better yet, have your web designer integrate it into the "banner" (that's the colorful part of your website design that goes across the top of the page) so it automatically appears on each page and does not take up any of the main text area real estate.

Internet Marketing Tip: Use the right bait.
Offering a newsletter as bait is sure to catch...nothing. Nowadays you have to offer a special report, information product, audio mini-seminar, email mini-course or even discount coupons for stuff your visitors want. Include an "oh, by the way, you'll also get f'ree valuable articles every other week" message as a bonus (that's your newsletter).

Internet Marketing Tip: Use a graphic to catch attention.
The goal is to make your f'ree give-away feel like it's something your visitor could hold in their hand. Ask your web designer to create a mock-up of a magazine cover, CD cover or spiral bound special report then paste it into your opt-in box.

Internet Marketing Tip: Give it a price.
Even though you don't sell your f'ree information product, give-away or newsletter you need to create a sense of value. Give it a price (mine is valued at $197.00) and include the price in your web copy.

Internet Marketing Tip: Say something provocative.
Please, no more hiding out behind the ubiquitous "download my f'ree special report today." Yawn. Make your download invitation challenge what your visitor already thinks they know, tell them what awful soul-twisting catastrophe is waiting for them if they--gasp!--fail to give you their name and email address or dangle a carrot in front of them that is so organic, juicy and scrumptious that their fingers tumble over themselves typing in their contact information.

Okay, now it's time to take a peek at YOUR website and evaluate the power of your opt-in box. My marketing coach challenge to you: Get it up to snuff this week and you'll start seeing more visitors opting in to the brilliant results that only you can deliver for them!

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