Definition of "Side Property Lines"
- Determining exact property lines for set-back laws is imperative before building a house, driveway, fence and even planting a tree. To realize the lines, you need to locate the corners. Corners would have been marked with iron pins/pipes originally, but over time can become lost or removed completely. A professional land surveyor should be hired for relocating corners.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "frontage" as "the land between the front of a building and a street." The frontage and road right-of way lines will typically run parallel to each other. This is usually the side your driveway and sewer enter your property from and normally the direction your home faces.
- The rear property line will generally be opposite from the frontage of your property. It may border a back alley.
- The side property lines connect the frontage/road right-of-way lines and rear property lines, typically forming a rectangular parcel of land. The side property lines mark the lines between neighbors. Find Law states that fences on a boundary line belong to both owners and must be maintained and left standing unless agreed otherwise. Local jurisdictions could differ on this subject.
- The set-backs, or distance from your property lines and the center line of the street, will decipher where, and if, a particular structure, access or tree can be erected, built or planted. Legal set-back distances from property lines may vary depending on state laws.