Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Stand and Deliver a Speech

DELIVERING A SPEECH Here we go, you are to begin: You have done all the preparation and now the time has come.
You are standing up and ready to begin the real work: delivering a speech or presentation.
Following are some tips that will help you.
Add to your confidence by walking calmly to the podium, breathing slowly and deeply, pausing to establish initial eye contact with three or four friendly face, smile, then pausing or slowing down again whenever necessary to maintain calm rapport.
Above all, remind yourself "I am glad to be here; I've prepared well and I have something interesting and important to share.
" Use the space that you have - fill it in.
Move around and don't stay stuck to your notes.
Don't hide behind your notes or the lectern.
Keep making eye contact with the audience.
Additionally; don't read from the screen if you use visual aids.
If people talk amongst themselves just stop and look at them.
Say nothing, just look.
You will be amazed at the effect, and how quickly your authority increases.
This silent tactic usually works with a chaotic audience too.
If you want a respite or some thinking time, asking the audience a question or involving them in an exercise takes the pressure off you, and gives you a bit of breathing space.
Pausing is fine.
It always seems like an age when you're up there, but the audience won't notice unless you start: "humming' or ahing'.
Knowing that a pause now and then is perfectly fine will help you to concentrate on what you're saying next, rather than the pause.
A pause can help you to emphasize a point.
Keep control, no-one will dare to question your authority when you have the floor, so don't give it up.
If you don't know the answer to a question, say so and deal with it later.
You have the right to defer questions until the end (on the grounds that you may well be covering it in the presentation later anyway, or just simply because you say so).
  • Do dress to enhance attention and self-confidence.
    For females: makes sure skirts are not too short if you stand a bit higher up.
  • Look confident even though you may feel nervous about your presentation.
  • Avoid the worried, furrowed-brow look.
  • Smile a lot.
  • Walk with a bounce in your step.
  • Demonstrate that "I am in charge" confidence.
  • Do make eye contact: with a small group, focus on each person, with a large group, pick out friendly faces, address each person and move on.
  • Do make the audience a partner by referring to them and their interests.
  • Do try to sense the 'vibrations' that emanate from the audience.
  • Use a minimum of notes and use your visual aids effectively.
  • Speak loud enough so that those at the back row can hear you.
  • Balance yourself on two feet, maintaining a good posture.
  • Make your closing sentences as loud and as vibrant as the rest of your speech.
    (Many speakers have a tendency to 'drop' their last few words.
  • Don't take notes before the meeting.
  • Don't shout in the microphone.
  • Don't let distracting mannerisms creep in (clearing your throat, shuffling your feet, fidgeting with the microphone, fumbling with notes, nose twitching, lip biting, grimacing, pacing too much, staring at notes, floor or ceiling, slumped shoulders, pointing finger at audience, tugging at ear, swaying or rocking.
  • Don't tell jokes at the audience's expense.
  • Don't make the audience feel foolish, ashamed or ignorant.
    A joke is only funny when everyone can laugh at it.
    Yes, you may laugh at yourself but never at your audience.
    Most of the time at is more successful to use natural humour than a joke.
  • Don't look at the clock.
    (Your speech should already be timed.
  • Don't abuse the time limit.
    Nothing kills a good speech faster than going overtime.
    If you have been booked for a 20 minute speech you do not stop at 10 minutes or 30 minutes.
    That's cheating your audience.
  • Don't speak to the person next to you immediately after taking your seat.
Remember this quote by William Jennings Bryan: "The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear.
I encourage you to stop avoiding what you fear and to begin conquering the things that you may start to enjoy as you do them more often.

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