Chicken House Plans - 7 Steps to a Better Chicken Coop
You have decided to take the leap and start raising your own backyard chickens.
Building a chicken house for your feathered friends will save you money and allow you to customize the coop to suit your requirements.
But before hammering that first nail, make sure your chicken house plans take into account these seven important factors: 1.
Size: Make sure you allow enough space for your chickens.
For standard chickens 3-4 square feet in the coop and 6-10 square feet in the run is recommended.
For bantam chickens you can get away with 2-3 square feet indoors and 8 square feet outside per chicken.
Lighting: Chickens need light in order to lay their eggs.
Where possible try and face the coop towards the sun and install windows to bring in the light and the warmth.
Ventilation: You chicken house needs to be well ventilated to let the fresh air in, but not drafty.
If high winds are a problem, consider building in a sheltered location.
Insulation: Dont' forget to take into account temperature changes.
In cold climates your chicken house will need to be insulated.
Feeders and Waterers: The feeders and waterers should be easily accessible by both man and bird.
Consider installing automatic waterers for a constant supply of fresh water.
Nesting Boxes: If raising chickens for eggs, it is important to having nesting boxes for the hens to lay in.
Allow one nesting box per two hens.
They do not like to be crowded when laying! 7.
Predators: Chickens are tasty, not just to us but to a wide variety of predators.
Make sure your chicken house and run are protected from all sides including below the ground and above.
Don't forget the burrowing and flying predators! Common predators include raccoons, foxes, coyotes, skunks, fisher cats and hawks.
Wire mesh fencing is commonly used to keep the chickens in and predators out.
Make sure when you are installing fencing to dig down at least 12 inches to protect from burrowing predators.
It is important when building a chicken coop to have a written blueprint to work with.
If your chicken house plan takes into account the above seven factors, you will be well on your way to building a safe, secure home for your chicken flock.
Building a chicken house for your feathered friends will save you money and allow you to customize the coop to suit your requirements.
But before hammering that first nail, make sure your chicken house plans take into account these seven important factors: 1.
Size: Make sure you allow enough space for your chickens.
For standard chickens 3-4 square feet in the coop and 6-10 square feet in the run is recommended.
For bantam chickens you can get away with 2-3 square feet indoors and 8 square feet outside per chicken.
Lighting: Chickens need light in order to lay their eggs.
Where possible try and face the coop towards the sun and install windows to bring in the light and the warmth.
Ventilation: You chicken house needs to be well ventilated to let the fresh air in, but not drafty.
If high winds are a problem, consider building in a sheltered location.
Insulation: Dont' forget to take into account temperature changes.
In cold climates your chicken house will need to be insulated.
Feeders and Waterers: The feeders and waterers should be easily accessible by both man and bird.
Consider installing automatic waterers for a constant supply of fresh water.
Nesting Boxes: If raising chickens for eggs, it is important to having nesting boxes for the hens to lay in.
Allow one nesting box per two hens.
They do not like to be crowded when laying! 7.
Predators: Chickens are tasty, not just to us but to a wide variety of predators.
Make sure your chicken house and run are protected from all sides including below the ground and above.
Don't forget the burrowing and flying predators! Common predators include raccoons, foxes, coyotes, skunks, fisher cats and hawks.
Wire mesh fencing is commonly used to keep the chickens in and predators out.
Make sure when you are installing fencing to dig down at least 12 inches to protect from burrowing predators.
It is important when building a chicken coop to have a written blueprint to work with.
If your chicken house plan takes into account the above seven factors, you will be well on your way to building a safe, secure home for your chicken flock.