Health & Medical Acne

How to Treat Acne Scars With Vitamin Supplements

    • 1). Take vitamin C daily, one of the most important vitamins for boosting the immune system and removing toxins from the body. Vitamin C also helps to eliminate free radicals from the body, which build up over time, destroy healthy cells and even reduce the rates of healing. Therefore, regular supplements of vitamin C should promote the healing of acne scars. Take 500 to 1000 mg daily.

    • 2). Include vitamin E in your daily vitamin regimen as well, an essential vitamin for the growth and regeneration of healthy hair and skin cells. Most medical professionals recommend between 200 and 400 international units (IU) of healing vitamin E. Not only does vitamin E help promote the healing of scars, it helps to fight premature aging to ensure firm, smooth and healthy skin for many years to come.

    • 3). Add the third and final internal supplement to help promote the healing of acne scars. Zinc is one of the most important minerals in the body for healing, and you can take them in 15 mg doses on a daily bases. Zinc will help to heal your acne scars and will boost your immune system as well.

    • 4). Pop open one of your vitamin E capsules and massage the oil onto acne scars at night before bed. Applying the vitamin directly to the skin will help to heal damaged tissue, while the oil itself moisturizes the skin, reducing inflammation, redness and irritation while the acne heals.

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