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A 1987 Saab's Pressure Relief Valve Location

    Parts to Remove

    • Locating this valve can be simplified with the removal of a few hoses. Removiong the intake piping and air intake plumbing above the turbo will provide unblocked access to the valve.

    Identifying the Valve

    • The intake on the turbo compressor housing has a rubber connector in the shape of a "T." One of the hoses is connected to a fitting on the throttle body, and the other is connected to the bypass valve. The bypass valve sits on top of a black flywheel cover and is easily visible from the passenger side


    • A flat head screwdriver can be used to loosen the circular clamps that hold the bypass valve in place. Next, disconnect the vacuum hose that is attached to the nipple on the front of the bypass valve, and slide the valve out of the rubber tubing.

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