What Makes Cheaters Cheat - 4 Top Reasons - And It"s Not Your Fault
What makes cheaters cheat? It's really not much of a mystery. The trouble is that most things that you read about cheating makes it more the victims fault than the cheaters.
The victim is told that the cheating was caused by something they did or didn't do. That's B.S. because in 90% of the cases there is little that the victim could have done to prevent the cheating. Usually you will find that a cheater has at least two common personality problems and perhaps three. Here are the most common:
1. Low Self Esteem - Outwardly most cheaters will appear to be confident and self assured but underneath they are harboring an inferiority complex that is the main part of their inner feelings. They are constantly seeking acceptance. Even though you love them and show them in many ways that you do, it's not enough. They constantly need to be accepted anew in order to prove their self worth. Cheating gives them this sense of being accepted for awhile and then they move on.
2. Warped Thinking - This goes along with the low self esteem and is perhaps caused by it. This warped way of thinking causes them not to realize the pain that they are bringing upon others. They're thinking that by cheating they are impressing you - the victim and the world with their sexual prowess.
In their warped way of thinking you should be thankful that you have someone that is so desirable. It's like they are yelling to you to look, I'm riding my bike with no hands. You should be impressed with their conquests, not hurt.
3. Childhood - The experiences of their childhood is another piece to the puzzle of what makes cheaters cheat. They might be the product of a broken home and were not given much attention. They grew up lonely and without much sense of self worth. This contributes to the inferiority complex and the feeling that they must always search for acceptance.
4. Seeking Perfection - Many times you will find that a cheater might be a perfectionist. They always demand perfection of themselves and others. They are always quick to criticize and find fault with others as well as blaming others for their short comings and mistakes. Therefore in their seeking of perfection, they are always seeking the perfect mate and sadly they never find them.
The victim is told that the cheating was caused by something they did or didn't do. That's B.S. because in 90% of the cases there is little that the victim could have done to prevent the cheating. Usually you will find that a cheater has at least two common personality problems and perhaps three. Here are the most common:
1. Low Self Esteem - Outwardly most cheaters will appear to be confident and self assured but underneath they are harboring an inferiority complex that is the main part of their inner feelings. They are constantly seeking acceptance. Even though you love them and show them in many ways that you do, it's not enough. They constantly need to be accepted anew in order to prove their self worth. Cheating gives them this sense of being accepted for awhile and then they move on.
2. Warped Thinking - This goes along with the low self esteem and is perhaps caused by it. This warped way of thinking causes them not to realize the pain that they are bringing upon others. They're thinking that by cheating they are impressing you - the victim and the world with their sexual prowess.
In their warped way of thinking you should be thankful that you have someone that is so desirable. It's like they are yelling to you to look, I'm riding my bike with no hands. You should be impressed with their conquests, not hurt.
3. Childhood - The experiences of their childhood is another piece to the puzzle of what makes cheaters cheat. They might be the product of a broken home and were not given much attention. They grew up lonely and without much sense of self worth. This contributes to the inferiority complex and the feeling that they must always search for acceptance.
4. Seeking Perfection - Many times you will find that a cheater might be a perfectionist. They always demand perfection of themselves and others. They are always quick to criticize and find fault with others as well as blaming others for their short comings and mistakes. Therefore in their seeking of perfection, they are always seeking the perfect mate and sadly they never find them.