Health & Medical Women's Health

Curing Yeast Infections Naturally

Yeast infections are a common condition that can occur in any part of the body that is warm and moist.
Because yeast is present in the human body, it is not surprising that sometimes, an outbreak of the fungus happens.
The most known type of yeast infection is vaginal candidiasis.
However, there are yeast infections that happen in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, under the breasts, folds of the skin and any area that is hidden.
Oral thrush, a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth, can affect people of all ages, even children.
People who are more at risk are those that use dentures, babies, people under antibiotic medication, and those undergoing chemotherapy.
Small children who have yet to develop all of their immune system's functions can get oral thrush.
This is characterized by white patches all over the tongue, in the gums, and the insides of the cheeks.
These patches of yeast easily bleed with the slightest touch, and since a child is suffering from it, it would be recommended for you to see your pediatrician.
For adults, oral thrush can be a sign of other underlying and more serious conditions.
In rare cases, the white patches in the mouth are not really yeast infections but a graver disease, such as cancer.
Diabetic patients also suffer from oral thrush and other yeast infections frequently.
This is due to the failure of the diabetic's body to process sugar in the normal manner.
Nystatin is the most common prescription that you will receive, aside from other condition specific instructions.
For instance, a diabetic will have to be guided by his doctor on regulating sugar intake to make sure sugar will not feed the yeast.
Other antifungal medications that are taken orally can also help.
However, yeast infections cannot be totally eliminated by these medications and they may occur again.
Sometimes, the yeast strain that resurfaces is a stronger type that is already resistant to medications.
For oral thrush, natural yeast infections cure can immediately relieve the discomfort and pain in the mouth is to hydrate often and not touch the patches.
Plain and unsweetened yogurt helps because of the good bacteria that it adds to your system that naturally fights off the fungi Candida.
To relieve the pain, warm salt-water mouth rinse is recommended.
Since oral thrush is mainly caused by excess yeast that is fed by sugar, stay away from food and other products that are rich in yeast and sugar.
Some of these include beers, sweet desserts and other starchy food.
Another good natural yeast infection cure for yeast infection is garlic because of its anti fungal properties.
You could also eat more onions to treat the white or yellowish patches in the mouth.
Also, you could eat coconut, drink coconut milk, and have buttermilk as these are all traditional home remedies for mouth infections.

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