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Does Our Weight Cause Us to Snore?

A friend of mine recently came to me with a problem she was having.
She informed me at a lunch date we had that her husband had recently started snoring.
She said it was not just a light snore but a heavy snoring.
It got to be so bad that she would often wake up and have to leave the room and sleep in one of the other bedrooms.
Not that is a healthy snore! At first they bought breath strips, and those seemed to work a little bit, but after while that was not working either.
At first I told her I was sorry and moved on.
I did not think a lot about it and just counted it as lunch talk that went to far.
But later on in the week I found myself coming back to the issue and wondering why after so many years of marriage did she all of a sudden come up against this problem? This was not an issue she had faced for many years but recently it became a problem.
I called her and kind of sheepishly asked her what had changed and what was different now than before.
She said she was not sure and would have to think about the question.
The next day she called and told me that the only real change in anything was that her husband was having some thyroid problems and seemed to gain almost 40 pounds in one year.
Now he was not the kind of guy that could hold an extra 40 without being somewhat over weight.
I then asked her if they were working on the weight issues and if they needed any help.
She said she was and could use all the help she could get.
What I have learned is that people who are overweight will hold excess weight around their chests and neck areas.
The added pressure weighs the muscles down and hence they snore.
Well I was not sure if that was the only problem but several months later as he lost weight.
My friend told me that she was able to sleep in her own bedroom again! It seemed that his problem had stopped after he was able to shed a few pounds.
If you are having problems with snoring then I would recommend that you try to shed some pounds and see if that corrects the problem.
Hope that helps!

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