Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

The Connection Between Acupuncture and Fertility

Are you one of those people who just know for sure that some day you will be a great parent to your children? Does this dream seem to be a far off idea now that you have been found infertile? Just like you, I too was deemed unfit by my doctors to have a successful pregnancy naturally.
This was one of the most devastating news that I heard when I was expecting to start my own family with my husband.
I never really thought that it could happen to me until that faithful day when I was diagnosed by my doctors with infertility.
Inside my head so many things were running and I could not accept it until one day a good friend of mind recommended a helpful tip that changed my life forever.
It was in the form of traditional Chinese medicine called acupuncture.
I had my doubts at first but eventually I was able to do some research for myself and I saw that it had good effects on infertility and other deficiencies of the body.
I want to share with you some useful tips that I experience during my acupuncture treatment.
Hopefully, you too will achieve the same success as I did.
Remove Bodily Toxins This was the first step that I initiated before I went in the clinic for my acupuncture treatment.
I found out that acupuncture will also do this for me but for it to be more effective and target my main problem which was infertility I bought some grape seed extract with vitamin c.
This was one way I was able to clean out my body and strengthen my tissues at the same time.
Manageable Stress Levels In hindsight I think that managing my stress was quite one of the best things that helped to have a successful pregnancy.
I was able to think better and have a positive outlook in life.
But don't get me wrong because for someone who is living in the city, lowering down my stress levels was not as easy to do.
I always had a lot of things in my mind but through simple practices like yoga in the morning and before sleeping really helped me in controlling myself and gaining perspective with my life overall.
Acupuncture Treatment My acupuncture treatment was like other acupuncture treatments wherein the physician sticks needles [painlessly] in my body to release tension and redistribute the energy inside my body.
His main focus of course was treating my infertility so there were a number of needles stuck in my ear for the most part.
Afterwards, I had a big smile in my face that I could not remove and I could not be more thankful of the experience.

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