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Myles Marcus Music Review - Latest Single "Jump"

Big sounds thrive with this cat from Spartus New Jersey...And check this, he's solitary 18! How sick is with the aim of? With selected crazy mainstream production Myles's hottest single liberation "Jump" is unquestionably raring to go in place of the mace commotion and you'd be wise to check this another addition to the pop/mainstream genre.

Manager pull Eberle destroy me up a combine of days before with Myles's hottest single and suggested with the aim of I check barred this kids another sound. I'm glad he did, I can hear/see with the aim of this adolescent man is on the emerge... It's ill-fated with the aim of I solitary had a ability to snoop to the single track "Jump" but Myles Marcus's resume does chat in place of itself so I'm expecting to hear selected great big things from him in the close to opportunity.

It's obvious this adolescent man takes his craft fatally and his powerfully toil is an release put your name down for whilst you dig into his musical history... Working with selected lofty singing professionals like the renowned Amelia DeMayo and Sal Dupree and as a learner by the side of the Performing Theater Workshop, someplace he studies acting and voice, Myles is single of folks rare function contract it powerfully working indie musicians with the aim of I immediately love to find out and hear not far off from.

But it doesn't bring to a halt near, Myles has besides been working with the School of stun in place of the ancient 2 years and was fortunate an adequate amount to maintain fixed the eye of World Class Producer Roy Royalty Hamilton the 3rd, who after that co-created and produced Myles basic unique single "Jump" which inadvertently you can unearth on on his Facebook call.

Not to be outdone by talent forlorn, Myles is besides into plateful barred the commune and earlier this time performed "It's A Man's World" in place of the Diabetes Foundation which was besides broadcast on Atlantic City Television in New Jersey. Talented, caring AND sharing... My man!

My single caveat with this fresh adolescent talent is with the aim of he hasn't locate up his own website yet and folks of you who know me, ought to know with the aim of this is probably single of my biggest peeves in the harmony industry... Each dancer ought to maintain his own website. But since with the aim of this is his basic single and he's immediately getting his feet wet I'll give permission him slide on this single and look send on to since him contract his own online real estate soon an adequate amount someplace we can simply contract a rotund classes meal of his opportunity pop pitch outings.

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