Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Einstein Memory System 4 Fun

Einstein Memory System: NY Stock Market 8.
06 More than seventy-five percent of people tested on remembering numbers scored less than half correct.
Fact: numbers are abstract and harder to remember compared to visual words.
It will become clearer as you begin.
What if you worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with hundreds of stock prices to remember - as they change.
You would need a flexible, easy method to instantly retrieve stock share numbers.
Here is the baby-easy-to-learn Einstein Memory System.
First step: you must internalize a PEG system substituting words or numbers from zero-to-ten.
Convert One-Through-Ten (1-10), Into WORDS: One (1) is a BUN - mentally visualize a vertical frankfurter BUN Two (2) is a TON - mentally visualize a TON (2-thousand pounds of coal shaped like a volcano) Three (3) is a TREE - mentally visualize an oak TREE with branches and leaves.
Four (4) is a DOOR - mentally visualize a DOOR with the number 4 at eye-level.
Five (5) is a HIVE - mentally visualize a bee HIVEcontaining five Queen bees.
Six (5) is a STICK(S) - mentally visualize a stick in the shape of a SIX.
Seven (7) is HEAVEN - mentally visualize a cloud in HEAVEN with a seven in the center.
Eight (8) is a GATE - mentally visualize a huge GATE with a Eight in the center.
Nine (9) is a SWINE - mentally picture a 800 pound SWINE with a Nine painted on both sides.
Ten (10) is a HEN - mentally picture a four-legged HEN with a 1 and a 0 painted on two of her legs.
Zero (0) is a HERO - mentally picture a general with medals across his chest.
Stock Exchange Real-Time Examples 1.
FORD motor company: mentally visualize driving a Ford car and smashing through a eight-foot high GATE.
Price: $8.
WAL-MART Stores: mentally visualize walking through a glass door, and then a second 44 high oak DOOR.
Price: $44.
: mentally visualize driving your Caddy into a TON of SWINE.
Price: $29.
EXXON MOBILE Corp: mentally visualize two STICKs in the shape of an ax (spelled AXX) to break-in the GATE.
Price: $68.
: mentally visualize a TREE with an electric DOOR at the entrance.
Price: $34.
Easier Einstein Twenty (20) is VIR - mentally visualize a VIRGIN Thirty (30) is TRI - mentally visualize a TRIANGLE Forty (40) is QUAD - mentally visualize a QUADRANGLE Fifty (50) is QUIN - mentally visualize QUINTUPLETS Sixty (60) is SEX - mentally visualize SEXY Seventy (70) is SEPT - mentally visualize SEPTEMBER Eighty (80) is OCT - mentally visualize OCTOBER Ninety (90) is NON - mentally visualize NON-FICTION One Hundred (100) is a CENT - mentally visualize ONE-CENT Examples Remember General Electric Co.
- it still sells at $34 a share.
Mentally visualize a TRIANGLE (30) shaped DOOR (4) = $34 Try Exxon Mobile Corp - it is selling for $68 a share.
Mentally visualize a SEXY (60) man-or-woman standing behind a sixty-foot GATE (8) = $68 You can do Wal-Mart yourself.
The selling price is $44.
What is forty (40)? QUAD - mentally visualize a QUADRANGLE containing four DOORS (4) = $44 Your homework is to learn FORD and GENERAL MOTORS.
Endwords Learn to enlarge your Comfort-Zone; stray from your personal Status-Quo, and become a life-long learner.
Memory improvement will create a Firewall for your brain and deter Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and forty-two forms of brain fever.
Boredom causes mental stress because your brain requires activity to function at its optimal level.
Do crossword puzzles, play card games like Bridge, and interact with Jeopardy on TV.
If you play the learning game of memory improvement by substituting words for numbers, your left-and-right brain will thank you by protecting you from mental-disease.
We highly recommend it.
Another step to longevity while retaining all your marbles is becoming a speed reader.
You are fully capable of 3x your reading speed, and 2x your memory.
It means you will read-and-remember three books, articles and reports in the time it takes your peers to hardly finish even -one.
You will have a competitive edge for life, and put your career on the Fast-Track.
You will get more than your share of the promotions and money to live the good life.
See ya, copyright © 2006 hbw@speedlearning.

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