Magician Tricks - Learn Magic Tricks Using Items From Home - Part 4
Magic tricks are sometimes mistakenly assumed to be supernatural events caused by spiritual forces, simply because they look so real.
No matter how incredible they look, magic tricks are not created by any supernatural means whatsoever but through some clever logical methods.
This series of articles presents some magic tricks you can easily learn and perform using readily available items from your home.
The science, cause and effect, of each trick is explained.
A NonElastic Collision Can you believe you can use all your strength to ram a tightly stretched piece of tissue paper with a broomstick and still not tear the paper.
No one will believe you because this should be impossible.
Your Supplies Gather together a) tissue paper b) a cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels c) a rubber band d) salt e) the handle of a broom Method Separate the two plies of tissue in front of your audience.
Be sure to display them so everyone sees how thin and delicate they are.
Stretch a single ply over the end of the cardboard tube and secure it with the rubber band.
Place the cardboard apparatus on a solid surface.
Pour in salt to a depth of 4 - 5 inches.
Announce that you will ram the broomstick down the tube without breaking the tissue.
Then do so with all your strength.
Ham it up to make the trick more entertaining.
Invite your friends to try.
No one will be strong enough.
Points to Note Practise this before you perform before your friends.
Some tissues are stronger than others.
You may find that you'll have to use both plies if the tissue is too delicate.
Before you use both plies try adding more salt.
This trick is more impressive if you demonstrate the delicacy of the tissue by separating the two plies of tissue right in front of their eyes.
Explanation of What's Really Happening In a billiard game, when a cue ball collides with a ball at rest the collision transfers motion.
After the impact, the ball that was at rest, will move away reaching nearly the speed that the cue ball had on impact.
This is known as an elastic collision because no motion is lost.
Not all collisions are elastic and transfer motion.
Drop a wad of silly putty on the floor and it will not bounce or move, instead the energy of the motion will change the shape of the putty.
The Reason This Trick Works The tissue paper is protected by salt crystals, a material that absorbs the total force of the collision.
It works because there are a great many tiny air spaces between the salt crystals.
On impact, the salt grains are packed closer together.
This absorbs the force of the collision, so there is no force to tear the delicate tissue paper.
Illustrations like this capture all the wonder and excitement of the world of magic.
This is the starting point for all great magicians, learning how and why tricks work.
You are learning some of the closely kept secrets of the wonderful world of magic.
Have you asked your mom to sew you a cape yet?
No matter how incredible they look, magic tricks are not created by any supernatural means whatsoever but through some clever logical methods.
This series of articles presents some magic tricks you can easily learn and perform using readily available items from your home.
The science, cause and effect, of each trick is explained.
A NonElastic Collision Can you believe you can use all your strength to ram a tightly stretched piece of tissue paper with a broomstick and still not tear the paper.
No one will believe you because this should be impossible.
Your Supplies Gather together a) tissue paper b) a cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels c) a rubber band d) salt e) the handle of a broom Method Separate the two plies of tissue in front of your audience.
Be sure to display them so everyone sees how thin and delicate they are.
Stretch a single ply over the end of the cardboard tube and secure it with the rubber band.
Place the cardboard apparatus on a solid surface.
Pour in salt to a depth of 4 - 5 inches.
Announce that you will ram the broomstick down the tube without breaking the tissue.
Then do so with all your strength.
Ham it up to make the trick more entertaining.
Invite your friends to try.
No one will be strong enough.
Points to Note Practise this before you perform before your friends.
Some tissues are stronger than others.
You may find that you'll have to use both plies if the tissue is too delicate.
Before you use both plies try adding more salt.
This trick is more impressive if you demonstrate the delicacy of the tissue by separating the two plies of tissue right in front of their eyes.
Explanation of What's Really Happening In a billiard game, when a cue ball collides with a ball at rest the collision transfers motion.
After the impact, the ball that was at rest, will move away reaching nearly the speed that the cue ball had on impact.
This is known as an elastic collision because no motion is lost.
Not all collisions are elastic and transfer motion.
Drop a wad of silly putty on the floor and it will not bounce or move, instead the energy of the motion will change the shape of the putty.
The Reason This Trick Works The tissue paper is protected by salt crystals, a material that absorbs the total force of the collision.
It works because there are a great many tiny air spaces between the salt crystals.
On impact, the salt grains are packed closer together.
This absorbs the force of the collision, so there is no force to tear the delicate tissue paper.
Illustrations like this capture all the wonder and excitement of the world of magic.
This is the starting point for all great magicians, learning how and why tricks work.
You are learning some of the closely kept secrets of the wonderful world of magic.
Have you asked your mom to sew you a cape yet?