Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Chicken Coop Designs That Are Easy to Move - Chicken Tractors

For the most part, all properly built chicken coops have the same fundamental components.
The only real differentiating factors amongst different types of poultry houses are their size, and whether or not they are easily movable.
Sizes of hen houses featured in chicken coop plans vary from small - housing just one or two chickens - to very large buildings, which are able to house dozens.
Most chicken coops are stationary, or at least take a great deal of effort to move.
Recently, however, many people with small backyard poultry farms have adopted a portable version of the hen house known as a chicken tractor.
This type of housing does offer some unique advantages; most notably it allows the owner to take advantage of the benefits of free-ranging poultry farming.
Since these coops are floorless, the birds have access to whatever food they can find in the grass.
And since the tractor can be moved, the birds can have access to a new part of the yard every couple days.
All the while, they still have the necessary protection that they need.
Tractors feature all of the same features that other, larger chicken coop designs.
These include nesting boxes for the laying of eggs, perches for the chickens to sleep on, and a run for them to move around in.
However, each individual chicken coop design has its own design features that make it unique.
Another thing that varies from coop to coop is how feeding and watering are handled.
Some people like to do these things manually every day, while others rely on automatic feeding and watering systems, either home built or purchased from farming supply stores.

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