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How to Improve Your Study Habits to Attain Higher Scores

Whether in high school or college, your studying habits make all the difference in how you learn and what grades you earn.
That is why one of the tops study skills tips used today is the SQ3R method.
This stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, and is a proven method in sharpening learning sessions.
The first step is to survey exactly what you have to study before you begin.
You need an overall picture of what you need to learn first.
Imagine going on a trip to a place you've never been before, you take out a map first to get a good idea of where you are going; you need to look at studying like a map to find out your best starting point.
Question everything.
There truly are no stupid questions, and when it comes to studying, you do not want to forget a single one.
Always go with the basics of who, why, what, when, where, and how.
Once you figure out the answers to those questions, everything will begin to fall into place and you will be able to connect the information in a way that works for you.
Reading is a main key in learning, and that does not mean just skimming the pages.
You must actively read what each page says, paying special attention to italicized and bold print.
Pay attention to the illustrations, graphs, and tables; their information is sometimes easier to understand and remember.
When you are finished reading, sit back and recite to yourself what you just read.
This will force you to verbalize your thoughts, and help you discover that you remember more than you think you do.
You connect information you just learned with information you already know, so when it comes time for a test, you can recite exactly what you know easily.
Review - Reviewing what you have studied is just as important as studying in the first place.
Reread all important material, clarify points by going over your notes, and go over everything you do not understand carefully.
You should do a review after each session, and then a final review before the test.
High school and college students all over use the SQ3R method for study skill tips every day.
It helps them to build up a structured studying session, use their time wisely, and keep to a routine.
With a set guideline in place, it is easy to study smarter now, so you have time to play harder later.

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