Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Severe Allergies Are Not To Be Taken Lightly

It seems more and more people are suffering from allergies these days.
Hay fever is on the rise and doctors are saying more allergy sufferers are seeking medical help because their allergies have increased in intensity over the last few years.
Allergies can develop slowly over time.
Just because you had no allergies as a kid doesn't mean you'll never have them.
In fact, it's rare that children are allergic to fish, for example, but many adults are.
Likewise, allergies can also slowly disappear.
Sometimes people grow out of their allergies, or experience a lessening of symptoms.
This is what everyone hopes for!But, don't count on it.
Get help! Many endure the endless sneezing, watery eyes and general tiredness without too much complaint.
They simply stuff more facial tissue in their pockets and sniffle on.
But that's not at all necessary.
It used to be that over-the-counter allergy medicines made you too sleepy to drive or work.
But there are many effective non-drowsy formulas today, like Alavert or Claritin.
They are referred to as "second-generation" allergy medications.
If you just don't like to take drugs, there are even some good natural allergy relief formulas available.
Take a look at AllergiClear or SOS HistaDrops.
But there may come a time when you have to take the next step - talk to your doctor and get a prescription-strength allergy solution.
And the criteria for making this decision, surprisingly, does not always include assessing the severity of your allergies.
Instead, just ask yourself if your allergies are negatively affecting your life.
Studies show that when you have allergies you're 20 times more likely to miss school or work than a non-sufferer.
You spend many days too tired to be productive.
Your concentration is reduced.
You stand a far greater chance of being involved in an accident, or getting some other injury.
You're simply not performing at your full capacity.
If this is true for you, NOW is the time to go to the doctor.
You'll probably want your regular doctor to recommend an allergy specialist.
The two of you can go over all the things you can do to reduce the affects of your allergies and live a normal life.
Don't wait for your respiratory symptoms to turn to sinusitis, a common path for allergies to take.
When that happens, it will have an even more severe affect on your life.
Other health problems can result from untreated allergies.
Ear and throat infections, tonsillitis, adenoids and enlarged polyps are just a few.
Another important symptom to watch for is sleep apnea.
This is a condition in which you stop breathing in your sleep.
Breathing resumes, sometimes explosively with snoring.
This can be a very dangerous condition and medical help must be sought immediately.
Of course you'll need a family member to help diagnose it, as you are undoubtedly unaware of what happens during your sleep! Hopefully your allergies are controllable with over-the-counter medication.
Sometimes you need to try different kinds before you find the drug that works for you.
Don't give up!Many times, the vital ingredients don't work well on everyone.
But find a different prime ingredient and you may find your solution.
And don't forget, if your symptoms are starting to rule your daily activity, or they've become chronic, it's important to see a doctor.

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