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What’s so Great About a Latex Foam Mattress Topper?

As the science of sleep progresses a great many people are starting to discover the comfort and benefits of a latex foam mattress topper. Not only do these toppers provide exceptional comfort and support during sleep they are also ecologically friendly in that they are made from a renewable resource; rubber harvested from rubber trees.

The majority of naturally produced rubber comes from the countries of Southeast Asia. Once harvested it is sent to a manufacturing plant where it is processed using one of two methods; the time honored Dunlop method and the more recently conceived Talalay method.

Both methods are essentially the same in that they inject air into the rubber and whip it into foam. It is injected into a mold and heated till vulcanization to achieve the rated firmness of that particular mattress. The Talalay method adds two more steps that more evenly distributes the latex. Both methods are considered "Organic" with the exception that some Talalay manufacturers use a petroleum product, Vanillin, in the manufacturing process.

The only drawback to either method is the cost involved making a full thickness mattress, 8 to 10 inches, on the expensive side. But the durability, comfort, and health benefits, along with warranties that can be as long as twenty years make a latex mattress more then worth the price.

If price is a consideration but you still want the benefits of one of these mattresses then a latex foam mattress topper will save you some money. A topper is simply a 2 or 3 inch thick "mattress" that you set on top of your existing mattress. You do need to be aware that if your current mattress is old, sagging, and just doesn't have any support left putting a latex topper on won't fix the problem. A topper acts as a pillow-top and is only as good as the support beneath it.

But with good support underneath you will notice the benefits of a latex topper immediately. It distributes your weight over a wide are relieving pressure points while at the same time providing support, particularly for the back. For back pain sufferers the days of sleeping on a rock hard mattress, that while great for their back, is like a torture device for the rest of their body.

Another design feature of latex is the micro pin holes that make up its cellular structure. What this means is that a latex topper actually breaths, allowing air to flow through it. This has several benefits; one it doesn't absorb moisture and is essentially mold and mildew resistant. Latex is also resistant to dust mites and is hypo-allergenic. Its open cellular structure also keeps the mattress cooler then other types of mattresses.

Its durability is also unmatched. Chances are a good topper will outlast the conventional mattress it rests on. When the time comes to replace that old inner spring mattress many people consider buying a full sized latex foam mattress and putting their topper on top of it. If you think of purchasing latex as a long term investment then you may find that you never have to buy another mattress again.

Here's a last benefit of sleeping on latex; it's fire resistant when batted with organic wool because wool has a low burning rate and in many cases may self-extinguish. It also contains high amounts of the protein keratin, which is a natural flame retardant. All mattresses have to meet certain fire resistance standards. To do this conventional mattresses use fire-retardant chemicals in their construction. Studies have shown that these chemicals can be absorbed into the human body through off-gassing and direct contact. This is not the case with a latex topper.

So if you're wondering why so many people think their latex foam mattress topper is so great hopefully this article has helped answer those questions. If you are considering purchasing a new mattress then latex should be a serious contender in your next sleep choice.

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