Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Unit 731: Hushing up Crime Against Humanity!

Unit 731: Hushing up Crime Against Humanity!

By YoonOk Kim

One of the worst atrocities in modern history is the Japanese Army's human experimentation. This is so called ‘Unit 731' or ‘Biological Warfare Unit 731'.  This human experimentation is biological medical science using human guinea pigs in ‘live human beings'.

Unlike the holocaust, many people do not know about Unit 731 because America and Japan made a DEAL for exchange and try to hush up the crime against humanity. In my opinion, everyone seems to know about the holocaust during the European chapter, but there are very little things known what actually happened in Asia.

America took advantage of the Japanese research by paying off direct cash payments to obtain the experimental results of ‘Unit 731' in exchange for data and secretly granted immunity from prosecution to Japanese scientists in 1946-1948 under General MacArthur as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces.

On May 6, 1947, Douglas MacArthur wrote to Washington saying that Biological Warfare Unit 731 is NOTconsidered as 'War Crimes'. The investigation was concluded in 1948 after obtaining information from intelligence channels and interviews who worked for Unit 731' according to the report written under the name of General Douglas MacArthur.

The United Nations have now considered officially Unit 731's actions as war crimes, contrary to the report generated by General Douglas MacArthur.

All the scientists or military personnel who involved Unit 731 did not need to stand on trial for war crimes against humanity, but proceeded prominent careers in post-war politics, universities, business, and medicine by taking their data and their experience with them either in the Japan or the United States. With the help of America, Japan has been successfully advanced  all the research data based on torture, cruel and inhuman treatment to their next generations besides all the smuggling and stolen artifacts and art treasures from all over the Asia.

This happened during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II, ‘Unit 731' conducted a special project, code-named Maruta (meaning "logs"), committed for biological medical science using live human beings.

There have been some disputes over death toll number, like all other atrocities.  According to the 2002 International Symposium on the Crimes of Bacteriological Warfare, the total number of causalities caused by Japan Army Biological Warfare Unit using human experiments is around 580,000.  According to other general sources, the total number of causalities caused was possibly as many as 200,000 deaths of military personnel and civilians for only Chinese.

Test subjects were gathered from prisoners of war, anti-Japanese partisans, including infants, the elderly and pregnant women. More than 95 percent of the victims who died in the camp were Chinese and Korean, including both civilian and military; others were prisoners of Russian and Americans or Other Nationalities. Test subjects as the live human victims were given no pain killers and as the scientists or military personnel sliced the stomach open or cut off to get livers or to slice an arm or leg. The military personnel who sliced the live body testified that he heard the victim's screaming.

When the experiment was completed, the victim was left to die. The military personnel testified that after injecting test subjects with various diseases, scientists performed invasive surgery without anesthesia by cutting organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. It was believed that live subjects were used from preventing the decomposition process.  Based on a testmony, they could hear all the screaming and crying in pain until the end of last breath.

Japanese would rather not talk about Unit 731, and America would rather hush up for the valuable data exchange obtained using live human beings.

Japanese acted far worse than any other nations~~~in terms of people they killed in genocide exceeding that of the Holocaust Genocide and inhumanity and cruelty worse than Nazi Germany.  The inhumanity and cruelty of Japanese not only applied most Asian countries, but also applied Australia and New Zealand.

Among countless Asian Holocaust and war crimes committed by Japanese during thier imperial expansion starting from 1894  to 1945, these are some of the merciless acts: Nanking Massacre in 1937 (death toll estimated between 100,000 and 300,000), Comfort Women (estimated 100,000 to 400,000), Bataan Death March, YELLOW RIVER FLOOD (1938), HONG KONG ATROCITIES (December 25, 1941), THE PARIT SULONG MASSACRE (January, 1942), PHILIPPINES MASSACRE etc.  But, the total numbers of causalities caused by Japan died in mines, factories, etc. are unknown.

At the age of 13, my grandma witnessed armed Japanese set the fire at her house while her parents were inside still alive.  This massacre of the people was done to get rid of all the influential Korean people in order for Japanese to control Korea during the occupation without hindrance.

My grandmother was shocked and horrified.  After the burning of my grandma's house, which her brother also witnessed, the Japanese abducted her only brother.  No one knew to where and what he was taken; he never came home.

The 36 years of the brutal and inhumane Japanese Occupation of Korea is a half of my grandma's life. My grandma was beat up by Japanese, and she saw Japanese beating my dad until the near-death.  My grandma witnessed Japanese killing and slicing innocent people and some buried alive.

People with the superiority concepts can brutalize other humans terribly and inhumanely, and these brainwashing themes have been largely reflected from their behaviors towards their "Sub-Human" races. 

The corruption, crime, crime against humanity, cruelty, and genocide are appeared all over the world by us, human beings—born of women's wombs—but raised by the whole world.  Many are in denial but voice forward movement while trying to ignore the truth what really happened.

What will happen when our universe including trees, plants, sea, stars, moon and sun has witnessed innocent people who were sliced alive in screaming and crying to die while these two countries were exchanging and trading ‘the experimental results and hushing about what really happened?

What were in mind when slicing live human flesh, with the unbearable screaming in the background? How much did victims struggling against you?

How did you restrain them? How many ‘LOGs' did you slice when your ‘LOGs' were still alive screaming?

Do you hear the cacophony of screams louder and louder?

Do you hear the echo returning slowly~~~~but getting stronger and stronger?

The more we tried to hide or ignore the real history what actually happened ~~~the louder and louder it gets from the echo of Universe.

The more we tried to suppress the real truth what actually happened ~~~the more and more we regret that simply festers inside in you.

The more you deny the truth~~~the louder and louder it gets. The echo of the Universe is resonating slowly~~~~but it is getting stronger and stronger.

Do you feel the echo of the Universe?

When are we going to end all those Inhumane Atrocities?

When are we going to pay our respect to all those dead souls?

This is TIME to realize we are brothers and sisters!

This is TIME to realize we are family!

We all need to work To-Gether to go through this phase of our time.

We all need to work To-Gether to stop wars and violence and atrocities!

This is the TIME to see things through the eyes of victims.

This is the TIME to feel the tears of the victims!

This is to break the constant occurring through generations after generations.

This is the TIME to keep our reality real, including real history

This is the TIME to stop repeating inhumanity towards another beings~~~both non-human and human beings.  We are No better than any other species in the pond of Universe.

This is TIME to move forward with expressing proper apology and heartfelt repentance through the eyes of victims.  Because we are family!

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