Law & Legal & Attorney Traffic Law

Beating a Traffic Ticket - Know Your Rights

Many people will accrue at least 5 speeding tickets over the course of their lifetime, totaling over $1200 per speeding ticket.
This type of speeding statistic is crazy, but true.
The reason why this happens to so many innocent people is for one they do not know the law and number two there is speeding ticket scams performed by the police just to meet their quota.
The first thing you should do when you get pulled over is NEVER ADMIT YOUR GUILT.
I honestly can't stress this enough, this is the single most important thing.
If you admit your guilt, the police officer WILL use this against you during your trial.
You should simply accept your speeding ticket and just drive away.
When you go to court you need to learn the following: Be aware of your rights as you are approaching the date of your trial.
Make sure to remember the following rights and keep them in your mind as you enter into the courtroom.
You are entitled to a speedy trial.
You may request and are entitled to a court trial.
Usually the only ruling body is the Judge.
You may have the option in some states to request a jury.
You'll probably have better luck with a Judge than a jury of your peers in most cases.
You are entitled to the use of an attorney.
In traffic court you will usually have to pay for this service, you won't get one for free unless your offense could be subject to jail time.
Do not attempt to subpoena the officer who was riding along in the police car when you were stopped.
The only thing that would be of interest to you are documents listed in the public records in discovery sections here previously.
Any witnesses brought into court are subject to cross examination by you.
Usually it would be the officer who wrote the ticket.
That's why if the officer does not show up, there's no case against you and no conviction.
You have the right to remain silent.
Don't ever forget this as you go into the courtroom.
You never have to testify against yourself and try not to take the stand for the defense.
This is your best defense in beating traffic tickets.
Do you need a lawyer for traffic tickets? No!Represent yourself...
Also industry statistics show that if you do testify on your own behalf and you ultimately convict yourself by stating the wrong thing, about 9 out of 10 traffic cases would not have benefited from use of an attorney.
Remember, don't give up and fight your traffic ticket in court.
Please don't lose all your money to excessive speeding fines and crooked police officers writing you a speeding ticket you do not deserve!Remember though; when you go to court please be respectful.
A judge respects and will listen to anyone that shows him or her respect.
Keep your chin and hopes up, the cop may never even show up for your case and you win!

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