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How to Change the Filter in a Comfort Aire Furnace

    • 1). Locate the edge of the outer liner of the filter box near the solid bottom tray at the base of the furnace.

    • 2). Grasp the outer liner, and pull the filter toward you. It may take a little bit of persistence, but the filter will slide out.

    • 3). Vacuum the filter out before reinstallation, or install a new filter. Line up the outer liner of the filter box with the tracks at the base of the furnace. Insert the filter and push it back until it is no longer protruding from the base of the furnace.

    • 4). Open the front cover of the furnace. Locate the edge of the second filter box on one side of the furnace, approximately halfway up. The side your filter is on may vary with the model.

    • 5). Grab the edge of the filter and pull it straight out toward you. Vacuum out the debris in the filter or replace it with a new one.

    • 6). Line up the filter with the track on the side of the furnace. Slide the filter into the tracks until it is positioned as far back as it will slide. Replace the furnace cover.

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