What to Say to Turn a Girl on
- No girl is perfect, but every girl has some special feature. It could be her smile, her eyes, her figure or her personality. Whatever the spark is, find it and use it as the focal point of your conversation with her. The tone of your voice can also complement your attempt to turn her one. Use a low, sexy and vibrant tone when you talk to her. It can create a sense that nothing else in the world matters to you except for her and the moment.
- Closeness can help to amplify the romantic feeling between two people. Get close as you speak to her. Even if a few inches of air separate you, she may feel and sense your body heat, which can help to increase the attraction she feels for you. Sexiness can exude from non-verbal actions such as body language, as much as what you say can. Use the low and sexy voice to address her can also draw her in closer to you so that she can hear what you are saying.
- When you have moved into physical contact, it is still important to use your voice to get your girl at the height of her sexual arousal. As you are caressing her and kissing her, tell her how good she tastes and feels. Press against her and breathe your words into her mouth as you are kissing her or gently into her ear. Don't speak the entire time, but use your voice to take you deeper and deeper into her arousal.