Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

How to Prove to Immigration & Naturalization You Are a Legitimate Married Couple

    • 1). Gather documentation related to your marriage ceremony such as the marriage certificate, letters from parents of agreement to the marriage and the wedding invitation.

    • 2). Collect pictures from various stages of your relationship including engagement photos, marriage photos, vacation photos, photos with each of you and your respective in-laws, and photos of property you own together. Limit the photographs to only include important depictions of the relationship and do not include multiple snapshots of the same scene. Label each photo with where it was taken, the date it was taken and who is pictured in the photo (name and relationship to the couple).

    • 3). Print out call records or obtain copies of phone bills showing call logs. Highlight all calls made between the two of you on the copy to be provided to U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS). These call records can come from your wireless provider, land line phone service or third party contracted billing service.

    • 4). Copy hotel receipts, plane tickets and other travel receipts from visits made to see each other, to visit family or from vacations taken together. The documents should have both of your names on them if possible. In the case of tickets, copy both individual tickets together on one page to show you both went together.

    • 5). Obtain copies of financial records indicating shared bank accounts, bills with both of your names on them or businesses owned together. Obtain copies of receipts for sending money to each other, or transfers to separately owned bank accounts.

    • 6). Spend as much time together as possible. If you are unable to live together before and during the immigration process, plan to make as many trips as possible to see each other. Specific proof of time spent together is required for approval of the visa, permanent residence status and the green card.

    • 7). Tell friends and family about your relationship if they have not seen you together. In some cases statements are required from non-family members indicating their knowledge of your relationship.

    • 8). Know each other well. You will be asked random questions that pertain to your specific relationship, your family, your time together and more when interviewed by immigration officials. The immigration official is responsible for approving or denying your case and he must be convinced you have a bona-fide relationship. Evidence and documents you submit will be verified, and you may be asked questions about the items you submitted as well. You should both be knowledgeable about likes, dislikes, habits and preferences as well as of your spouses family members, upbringing, culture and more. The immigration official has full discretion as to which questions he asks you and as such you should be prepared for any questions that may be asked.

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